Shareholders in Karo Bio AB (publ) are hereby called to the annual general
meeting on Wednesday April 29, 2015 at 4.00 p.m. in Hörsalen, Novum Science Park
(4th floor – elevator E), Hälsovägen 7 in Huddinge, Sweden.

Right to attend
Entitled to attend the annual general meeting are those who are both registered
shareholders in the share register held by Euroclear Sweden AB at the record
date April 23, 2015 and have notified the company of their intention to attend
the general meeting no later than on April 23, 2015, preferably before at 4:00

Shareholders with nominee-registered shares must temporarily register their
shares in their own name with Euroclear Sweden AB to attend the meeting. Such
registration must be completed by April 23, 2015 and should be requested well in
advance of this date to the nominee of the shares.

Notification to attend
Notification to attend the meeting shall be submitted in writing to the address
Karo Bio AB, att: Henrik Palm, Novum, SE-141 57 Huddinge, Sweden or by email to Name, personal identification number or corporate
identity number, phone number daytime and number of shares held shall be
included in the notification to attend. Where applicable, the number of advisors
(maximum two) shall be stated. If a shareholder intends to be represented by
proxy, power of attorney and other authorization documents should be included in
the notification. The original authorization documents must be able to be
presented at the meeting. Proxy forms are available from the company and at the
company's website and will be sent to shareholders who provide their postal

Proposal of Agenda

 1. Opening
 2. Election of chairman of the meeting
 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list
 4. Approval of the agenda
 5. Election of two persons to confirm the minutes
 6. Determination as to whether the meeting has been duly convened
 7. Address by the CEO
 8. Presentation of (i) the annual report and the auditor’s report as well as
(ii) the group consolidated financial statement and the auditor’s report thereon
and (iii) the statement by the auditor on the compliance with the guidelines for
remuneration to executive management
 9. Adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet as well as the
consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet
10. Resolution on allocation of the company’s result according to the adopted
balance sheet
11. Resolution regarding discharge from liability for the board of directors and
the CEO
12. Determination of the number of board members
13. Determination of fees to the members of the board of directors
14. Election of board members
15. Election of chairman of the board
16. Determination of remuneration to the auditor
17. Election of auditor
18. Resolution on principles for the nomination committee
19. Resolution on principles for remuneration of executive management
20. Resolution for authorization of the board of directors to resolve on new
issues of shares
21. Closing

Proposals by the nomination committee (items 2 and 12-18)
The nomination committee in respect of the annual general meeting 2015 has at
the time of publication of this notice not informed the company of its proposals
regarding items 2 and 12-18 on the agenda. The company can therefore not include
any proposals on these items in this notice, but will make the nomination
committee’s proposals public as soon as it has been informed of these.

Proposals by the Board of Directors

Proposal for allocation of the company’s result (item 10)
The board of directors proposes that no dividend be paid for the financial year
2014 and that the funds available for disposal of the annual general meeting of
SEK 27,391,532, including the loss for the year amounting to SEK -59,281,382,
are carried forward.

Resolution on principles for remuneration of executive management (item 19)
The board of directors proposes the annual general meeting to resolve on
unchanged guidelines for remuneration of executive management. The proposal
entails the following main points:

For a satisfactory performance, remuneration shall be paid as a fixed salary. In
addition to fixed salary, executives may also receive variable remuneration, as
a reward for achieving targets in simple and transparent structures. The
executives’ remuneration according to incentive programs should be based on the
extent to which stated operational goals are achieved. Karo Bio’s commitment
under incentive programs should be limited in relation to the fixed salary and
not exceed 40 per cent of the fixed annual salary, before social costs, for each
executive during the applicable time period. Remuneration shall include pension
and holiday remuneration.

The executives’ pension benefits shall be competitive in relation to what is
generally applicable for corresponding executives on the market, and shall be
based upon defined benefit pension schemes, or be connected to the ITP plan.
Pension benefits are based on a retirement age of 65.

The executives’ non-monetary benefits (e.g. car and health care benefits) should
facilitate the execution of the work and be determined by what is considered
reasonable in relation to market custom and the benefit to the company. Notice
and severance pay shall in total not exceed 12 months’ salary for each
executive. The guidelines shall include the CEO of Karo Bio AB and the executive
management that report directly to the CEO as well as possible CEO’s of
subsidiaries. To the extent a director of the board performs services on behalf
of the company in addition to the work in the board, consulting fees on market
terms may be payable. The board may derogate from the guidelines in an
individual case where there are special reasons for doing so.

Resolution for authorization of the board of directors to resolve on new issues
of shares (item 20)
The board of directors proposes that the meeting authorizes the board of
directors to, on one or several occasions prior to the next annual general,
resolve on new share issues. The number of shares to be issued by virtue of the
authorization shall not exceed 10 per cent of the registered share capital (at
the time of the share issue resolution). The new share may be made with our
without deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption right and with or without
terms of issue in kind or set-off or other terms. The purpose of the
authorization is to increase the company’s financial flexibility and enable
acquisitions through payment with shares. If the board of directors resolves on
a share issue with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption right, the
reasons shall be to provide the company with new capital and/or new shareholders
of strategic importance for the company and/or acquisitions of other companies
or businesses. When deviating from the shareholders’ pre-emption right the basis
for the subscription price shall be on market terms. Other terms may be resolved
by the board of directors.

A valid resolution requires that the proposal is supported by shareholders
representing at least two-thirds of both the votes cast and the shares
represented at the meeting.

Information at the general meeting
At the annual general meeting, the board and the CEO shall, if any shareholder
so requests and the board believes that it can be done without material harm to
the company, provide information about conditions that may affect the assessment
of an item on the agenda and the assessment of the company’s financial position.
The corresponding disclosure obligation also applies in relation to
subsidiaries. The disclosure obligation also applies to the company’s relation
to other group companies and the consolidated accounts.

Available documents and information
Accounting documents, the auditor’s report, the auditor’s statement regarding
compliance with existing principles for remuneration of executive management and
the complete proposals will be available at the company and on the company’s
website at least three weeks before the meeting. Copies of the documents will be
sent free of charge to shareholders who request these documents and state their
address. The nomination committee’s motivated statement to its proposal for
members of the board will be announced on the company’s website as soon as it
has been received by the company.

Number of shares and votes in the company
At the time of issue of this notice, the total number of shares and votes in the
company amounts to 676,263,158. The company holds no own shares.

Huddinge in March 2015
Karo Bio AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

