Resolutions taken at today’s Annual General Meeting of Wallenstam AB (publ) on 28 April 2015 concerned, inter alia, dividends, board fees, guidelines for remunerations to senior executives, authorization for the acquisition/assignment of the company’s own shares and a split of the company’s shares (split ratio 2:1). The AGM also adopted a resolution concerning changes to the Articles of Association, approved the Income Statement and Balance Sheet for 2014 and discharged the Members of the Board and the CEO from liability. The Wallenstam AGM adopted the Board’s proposal for a dividend of SEK 2.25 per share for the 2014 financial year. Thursday 30 April 2015 was established as the record date for dividends and distribution from Euroclear Sweden AB is expected to take place on Wednesday 06 May 2015. In accordance with the nomination committee’s proposals, the AGM re-elected Christer Villard (Chairman) and Ulrica Jansson Messing, Agneta Wallenstam, Anders Berntsson and Erik Åsbrink as Board members. It was resolved that the fee to the Board would be in the amount of SEK 1,330,000 of which SEK 670,000 to the Board Chairman, SEK 240,000 to the deputy Chairman and SEK 140,000 each to the other Board members The sums include compensation for committee work. Dick Brenner (Chairman), Christer Villard, Lars-Åke Bokenberger and Hans Wallenstam were re-elected as members of the nomination committee until the end of the 2016 AGM. It was also resolved that the nomination committee be charged with preparing proposals for the appointment of the nomination committee for the 2016 AGM. The AGM resolved to re-elect Harald Jagner as the company’s auditor and Pernilla Lihnell as the company’s substitute auditor, both from Deloitte AB, until the end of the 2016 AGM. In accordance with a Board proposal, the AGM resolved to increase the number of shares in the company by splitting each current share into two shares of the same type (split ratio 2:1). Following the share split, the company will have a total of 340,000,000 shares outstanding, of which 34,500,000 A shares, and 305,500,000 B shares. The date of record for the share split was established as 26 May 2015. The AGM also resolved to amend the articles of association in respect of §6 Board Composition, §9 Notice to Attend and §10 Annual General Meeting. The AGM authorized the Board to take decisions until the next AGM regarding the purchase on one or more occasions of a number of B shares on the Nasdaq Stockholm such that the company’s maximum holding at any one time does not exceed 10 per cent of all shares in the company. The acquisition must take place within the prevailing price range (i.e. the spread between the highest purchase price and lowest selling price). The AGM also authorized the Board until the next AGM – with or without shareholder preference – to take decisions regarding the assignment of the company’s own shares by means other than through Nasdaq Stockholm. Assignment may take place against cash payment, against compensation by means other than cash or through the cancellation of debt by share assignment in exchange for a claim against the company. The Board’s decision regarding assignment must be executed within the time period determined by the Board. The number of company shares assigned may not exceed the number of shares held by the company at the time of assignment. Wallenstam AB (publ) is required to make this information public under the provisions of the Swedish Financial Markets Act and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was made publicly available on 28 April 2015 at 6:40 p.m. (CET) For further information: Elisabeth Vansvik, Director of Communications, Wallenstam AB (publ) tel. 0705-17 11 38 Wallenstam is a growing property company that manages, builds and develops properties for sustainable living and the pursuit of business in Gothenburg and Stockholm. The property holding is valued at around SEK 30 billion and the tenant base consists of just over 7,600 households and 1,000 businesses. The total lettable area is around 1 million sq m. Wallenstam is self-sufficient in renewable energy through Svensk NaturEnergi, with 67 of its own wind turbines and hydro power stations in operation. The company's B shares have been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1984.
Annual General Meeting of Wallenstam AB (publ)
| Quelle: Wallenstam AB