Press release from Annual General Meeting in Addnode Group Aktiebolag (publ) on 6 May 2015

Adoption of the accounts and discharge from liability
The Meeting adopted the balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for the
parent company and the Group and the Meeting discharged the Board of Directors
and the CEO from liability for the financial year 2014.
The Meeting decided that the profit according to the adopted balance sheet of
SEK 67,699,163 shall be distributed to the shareholders, representing a dividend
of SEK 2.25 per share, and that the remaining available earnings of SEK
299,096,362 be carried forward.
The Board of Directors
The Meeting resolved in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal to
re-elect Sigrun Hjelmquist, Thord Wilkne, Dick Hasselström, Jan Andersson,
Kristofer Arwin and Annika Viklund as members of the Board. The Meeting also re
-elected Sigrun Hjelmquist as Chairman of the Board. Furthermore, the Meeting
decided in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal that Board fees
until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, will be paid to the Chairman
with SEK 350,000 and to each of the other Board members with SEK 175,000 and
that remuneration may be paid on account for special assignments to Board
members in their respective fields of expertise (consultancy services etc.),
provided that such assignments have been approved in advance by the Chairman of
the Board or by two Board members. Furthermore, fees for work on the audit
committee shall be paid in the amount of SEK 55,000 to the Chairman and SEK
35,000 to each of the other committee members. Fees for work on the remuneration
committee shall be paid in the amount of SEK 15,000 to each of the committee
members. Board members may be allowed to invoice the company for the Board fees
provided that it is cost-neutral to the company and that it is in accordance
with applicable legal requirements and recommendations.
The Meeting decided that fair remuneration to the auditor is to be paid with a
reasonable amount by approved accounts. The registered public audit firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as auditor for a mandate period until
the end of the next Annual General Meeting with Magnus Brändström as auditor in
Remuneration and other employment terms for the Executive Management
The Meeting approved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, the guidelines
for remuneration and other employment terms for the Executive Management.
Authorization regarding acquisitions and transfer of the company's own shares
The Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board's proposal to authorize the
Board to resolve, on one or several occasions prior to the next Annual General
Meeting, to acquire a maximum number of series B shares so that the company's
holding following the acquisition does not exceed 10 per cent of all the shares
in the company at any time. Furthermore, the Meeting authorized the Board to
make decisions, on one or several occasions, prior to the next Annual General
Meeting, to transfer series B shares in the company to a third party. The number
of shares transferred may not exceed the total number of shares held by the
company at any time. The reason for permitting the Board to deviate from the
preferential rights of shareholders is to enable financing of potential
acquisitions of companies and other types of strategic investments in a cost
-effective manner.
Authorization to resolve on issue of new shares
The Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board's proposal to authorize the
Board to resolve, on one or several occasions, prior to the next Annual General
Meeting, with or without deviation from the preferential rights of shareholders,
regarding new share issues. Based on the resolution, with the support of an
authorization, it shall be possible to increase the share capital by a total of
not more than SEK 36,000,000 by issuing a total of not more than 3,000,000 new
shares at full subscription. The authorization shall also encompass the right to
decide on a new share issue stipulating cash‐in‐kind payment or that shares
shall be subscribed for with right of set‐off or otherwise with conditions
stipulated in Chapter 13, Section 7 of the Swedish Companies Act. The reason for
the deviation from the preferential rights of shareholders is to enable private
placements for the execution of acquisitions of other companies or operations in
full or in part, or to raise capital to use in such acquisitions.
Nomination Committee
The Meeting adopted the nomination committee's proposal regarding the nomination
The information in this press release is such that Addnode Group AB (publ) must
disclose in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the
Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was released on 6 May 2015 at
9.00 p.m.
For further information please contact:
Johan Andersson, CFO, Addnode Group AB
Phone: +46 704 205 831, e-mail:
About Addnode Group
Addnode Group provides mission-critical IT solutions to selected markets in both
private and public sectors. We acquire, build and manage companies that deliver
IT solutions for the specific needs of our clients.
Every day, 400,000 engineers use our systems to develop and maintain products,
buildings and facilities. 100,000 civil servants in the public sector use our
solutions for municipal and state administration.
We are 950 employees in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, UK, USA, India and
Serbia. In 2014 net sales totaled SEK 1 599 M. Addnode's Series B share is
listed on the OMX Nordic List, Small Cap. For more information, please visit

