SceneDoc Announces Major Upgrade to Its Mobile Evidence Collection Platform

Public Safety’s Trusted Digital Notebook Delivers More Powerful Multimedia, Audio and Graphics; Faster Cloud Synchronization Enables Near Real-Time Updates to Command/Supervisors

TORONTO, May 12, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SceneDoc Inc., a leading solution provider in Policing as a Platform (PaaP), today announces the availability of a major 3.0 upgrade to its secure mobile evidence collection platform. SceneDoc 3.0 enables near real-time communication while in the field, improves evidence collection standards and reporting processes, and reduces labor costs for public safety agencies. Agencies using SceneDoc include Palm Springs PD, Rockbridge County Emergency Management, Prince Georges County DPW&T, and Midland Police Service.

“SceneDoc revolutionizes the evidence collection process. Our officers update cases right from their smartphones or tablets throughout the day, which puts everyone on the same page at all times. With SceneDoc, case management happens in real-time,” said The Palm Springs Police Department Sergeant William Hutchinson.

SceneDoc 3.0 new features include more powerful multimedia/video/audio capabilities, multi-factor authentication for signing in, CJIS-capability, a home screen for quick launching modules, as well as allowing multiple users for one device. The platform’s data synchronization system now automatically syncs with the cloud so command/supervisors can get case updates as it happens. It also creates a collaborative environment where multiple users can work together on the same case with no risk of losing data or being locked to a single device.

Listening to customer feedback, SceneDoc also made significant improvements to its Notepad feature providing greater graphical layers and gestures, as well as allowing singular images to be manipulated independently of others.

“SceneDoc creates efficiency in what used to be an analog workflow by making it digital—with oversight—for the front-line guys. This allows them to do reporting in a more organized/repeatable way. Plus, when it comes to smaller cases it’s hard to justify bringing a crime scene photographer out, you can handle this process with SceneDoc,” says Midland Information Technology Manager, Special Constable Bill Gordon.

With SceneDoc, documented evidence maintains a secure chain of custody. Law enforcement officials or other public safety personnel can complete electronic paperwork, create scene drawings, add video/audio files and take text or voice-recorded notes all through their smartphone or tablet. Files can be turned into a secure field-based report to share with investigators, incident commanders and prosecutors.

“SceneDoc is also very efficient for high-volume cases. Our officers in the field can capture all the basic imagery evidence and notes needed. This is a boon for small and mid-sized agencies,” Gordon also said.

Authorized personnel, with permission, can access information in near real-time from any internet-connected device. Privilege levels within the secure cloud portal can be configured to meet each organization’s specific needs and hierarchies.

SceneDoc automatically time and date stamps evidence including GPS location, which is seamlessly sent to the application’s photo log. This eliminates potential errors, and for security, all data is stored and transported using FIPS 140-2 certified Advanced Encryption Standards (AES-256).

“Our mission at SceneDoc is to become Public Safety’s Trusted Digital Notebook. With SceneDoc we turn the static process of evidence collection into a highly secure, collaborative and electronic environment that streamlines the process and brings huge, across-the-board efficiencies and cost savings. SceneDoc is one of the new slew of Policing-as-a-Platform apps that’s going to drive mobile adoption for the law enforcement and safety industry,” said Alex Kottoor, SceneDoc co-founder and CEO.

About SceneDoc

SceneDoc is the global leader in mobile investigative management software. SceneDoc is a smartphone/tablet-based software platform that provides law enforcement and a variety of public safety personnel an extremely secure, accurate and consistent means of documenting crime, accident and other incident scenes. Comprised of a highly configurable mobile application together with cloud-based data backup and administration, SceneDoc is the proven solution-of-choice for law enforcement around the globe. For more information, please contact

