CFNU president Linda Silas to address need for strong federal health policies

Nurses' conference will see presentation of Bread & Roses Award to influential nurse

HALIFAX, NS, June 3, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The federal government must make consistent delivery of public health care from coast to coast to coast, the country's No. 1 priority, president of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions will tell delegates of one of the country's largest ever gatherings of nurses tomorrow morning.

Linda Silas will address more than 1,000 nurses and other participants at the CFNU's 17th Biennial Convention at 9:30 a.m. at the Halifax World Trade and Convention Centre. Media are welcome to attend and cover her report to the membership.

Silas will also outline her reasons for urging Ottawa to create a national pharmacare program which would save taxpayers about $9 billion a year and ensure all Canadians have access to the full treatments they require under Canada's public health care system.

The CFNU urged all political parties to make their positions on federal support for public health care clear during the campaign for the October 19 federal election. "All parties should put forward their vision for the future of public health care so that nurses and the public have a say on the role they want the federal government to play in the country's medicare system," Silas said.

Linda Silas will be available for interviews with reports immediately after her remarks end.

Tomorrow's keynote speaker at CFNU's Convention will be children's rights advocate Craig Kielburger. He will speak at 1:30 p.m. In addition, at 3 p.m. tomorrow, the CFNU will present its Bread & Roses Award for an outstanding contribution by a nurse-member to policy and decision-making, raising public awareness, lobbying governments, and educating members and the public. The winner will be announced during the presentation.

The CFNU represents approximately 200,000 frontline nurses across Canada through its affiliated unions. Nursing union leaders from throughout Canada, including the presidents of most Canadian nurses' unions, are attending the Halifax conference.

For more information, contact Christie Blotnicky of Nova Scotia Nurses Union, 902-818-4453, or by email at


