The Competition Authorities approve the merger of Sweco and Grontmij

As previously announced, Sweco AB (publ) (“Sweco”) and Grontmij N.V.
(“Grontmij”) have entered into an agreement regarding a combination of their
businesses, and on 13 July 2015 Sweco announced a public offer for all issued
and outstanding shares in the capital of Grontmij, which was unanimously
recommended by the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of Grontmij. The
public offer is as previously announced conditional upon, inter alia, approval
by the shareholders of Sweco and Grontmij at extraordinary general meetings and
approval by the relevant competition authorities.

The Swedish Competition Authority (Sw: Konkurrensverket) did on 10 July 2015
approve the combination, and the corresponding authority in Poland, Urząd
Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów (UOKiK), gave its approval on 21 July 2015.
The condition regarding approval by relevant competition authorities is thus
satisfied. An extraordinary general meeting will be held in Sweco on 24 August
2015, and in Grontmij on 28 August 2015, in order for the shareholders of Sweco
and Grontmij to approve of the combination by passing resolutions necessary in
relation thereto.
Contact details

Åsa Barsness, Communications Director, M: +46 (0)703823686, E:
About Sweco

Sweco is the Nordic region’s leading provider of services for sustainable
engineering and design. Our 9,000 engineers, architects and environmental
experts develop value-creating solutions for our clients and for society. Sweco
is among the ten largest consulting engineering companies in Europe, carrying
out assignments in 80 countries annually throughout the world. The company has
annual sales of approximately SEK 9 billion and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Sweco is required to disclose the above information under the provisions of the
Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication on 21 July 2015, 14:00 CET.

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