St. Francis Animal Hospital Reminds Pet Owners "Spaying and Neutering Pets is the Law"

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 16, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- St. Francis Animal Hospital is reminding pet owners that all pets over four months of age must be spayed or neutered unless pet owners hold a special permit. Las Vegas ordinance requires pets to be spayed or neutered in an effort to reduce overcrowding in animal shelters and lower the number of unwanted animals. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, some public shelters in the area had a euthanasia rate of 50% for dogs and cats prior to the ordinance taking effect in 2010.

"The decision to spay or neuter a pet is one of the best choices that a pet owner can make for a pet's long-term wellness," said Dr. David Drake, a Las Vegas veterinarian at St. Francis Animal Hospital. "Here in Las Vegas, we stand behind the city's decision to mandate spaying and neutering for all pets aged four months or older, as part of the pet licensing process. We offer affordable spay and neuter surgery at our animal hospital and encourage pet owners to schedule an appointment for their pet if the procedure has not already been done."

Animal spaying is a surgical procedure that removes a female's ovaries and uterus; animal neutering is the surgical removal of a male's testicles. Both procedures are typically performed on young puppies and kittens, generally at four months of age.

In addition to reducing the number of neglected animals in the area animal population and helping to ease shelter overcrowding, spaying and neutering has important benefits for a pet's health.

Spaying a female pet before her first heat can reduce the risk for breast cancer, which is fatal in 50% of dogs and 90% of cats, says Dr. Drake. Spaying also helps eliminate unwanted behavior from female pets, including urinating or yowling to attract a mate.

Neutering also provides health benefits for male pets, says Dr. Drake. This includes reducing hostility and aggression, and helping male pets better direct their attention, rather than trying to find a mate.

"Spaying and neutering offers many important health benefits for both male and female pets," said Dr. Drake. "Additionally, the earlier the procedure is performed, the lower the risk for complications. While it is still possible to spay an adult female, it is always desirable to spay females and neuter males before they reach the full onset of reproductive maturity."

Spay and neuter procedures are considered to be routine surgical procedures, said Dr. Drake. Surgery occurs in the morning and pets are heavily sedated with pain control. Because spayed pets are heavily sedated with pain control, they are kept overnight and returned to their owners the next day at 10 a.m. Neutered pets go home the same day. Anesthesia is administered prior to the surgery and pets are sent home with detailed recovery instructions.

For more information on Las Vegas spay and neuter, visit

