Budget-Friendly UV LED Flashlight Ideal for Industrial Leak Detection

WESTBURY, NY--(Marketwired - September 17, 2015) - An ill-maintained industrial system can leak more than fluids -- it can leak money. Spectronics Corporation, a worldwide leader in leak detection solutions, has come to the rescue with the new LeakTracker™ (P/N LT-300) -- a powerful, economical UV LED leak detection flashlight that's ideal for all industrial fluid system applications.

The LeakTracker industrial leak detection lamp has a high-output UV LED that delivers superior fluorescent dye response, making leaks easier to spot. It works with all oil- and water-based fluorescent dyes, including difficult-to-fluoresce yellow, white and blue dyes -- even in dirty fluids.

Finding leaks in an industrial system is easy. Simply add a small amount of dye to the system and let it circulate. The dye/fluid mixture escapes with the host fluid wherever there's a leak. Shine the LeakTracker flashlight on all leak sites to observe the brilliant glow.

The flashlight features "instant-on" operation. Its compact size allows it to get into cramped areas larger lamps can't. A rugged, corrosion-resistant, anodized lamp body stands up to years of heavy use. Powered by standard AAA batteries (included), the unit features a 100,000-hour LED service life.

LeakTracker comes complete with a lanyard, belt holster, three "AAA" batteries and UV-absorbing glasses.

Headquartered in Westbury, New York, Spectronics Corporation invented fluorescent leak detection in 1955, and remains the world's leading manufacturer of ultraviolet equipment and fluorescent dyes. Spectroline® cutting-edge, top-quality, industry-awarded lamps, dyes, radiometers and diagnostic tools are built to exacting standards, and are used for literally dozens of markets, some of which include Industrial, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Laboratory, Semiconductor, Nondestructive Testing and Forensics. Spectronics Corporation is dedicated to upholding high standards in design manufacturing, ensuring customer satisfaction and developing innovative technologies that make the world a better place. For more information, call toll-free 1-800-274-8888. Outside the U.S. and Canada, call 516-333-4840. Website at www.spectroline.com

Image Available: http://www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2015/9/15/11G054164/Images/LT-300_LeakTracker_LED_Lamp_turned_on-167379135494.jpg
Image Available: http://www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2015/9/15/11G054164/Images/LT-300_LeakTracker_LED_Lamp_Kit-654378207800.jpg
Image Available: http://www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2015/9/15/11G054164/Images/LT-300_Indust_LeakTrack_app-1371342866394.jpg

Attachment Available: http://www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2015/9/15/11G054164/LT-300_LeakTracker_Flyer-295934933065.pdf
Attachment Available: http://www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2015/9/15/11G054164/2015_Industrial_Brochure-363789224518.pdf

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Spectronics Corporation

Spectroline LeakTracker UV LED Leak Detection Flashlight flyer 2015 Industrial Brochure LeakTracker UV LED Leak Detection Flashlight turned on LeakTracker UV LED Leak Detection Flashlight with components LeakTracker finds all industrial fluid leaks
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