Medical Marijuana Dispensary Locator Launches Industry's First Business to Business Marketplace

NEW YORK, Sept. 28, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PotLocator is proud to announce the launch of their new Vendor and Product distribution system for Canna businesses A.K.A (The Cannabis Marketplace).  The new system, designed by The Medical Cannabis Network, allows product companies, extract artists, growers and vendors to reach over 10,000 canna based businesses by simply adding their product to the PotLocator marketplace. 

“It has been a long time in the making,” said CEO Jason Draizin who is one of the initial co-owners to PotLocator and the popular service.  Mr Draizin explains how their new business model was developed. “We realized after attending the Denver cannabis cup last April that there are more products in the cannabis industry than we could have ever conceptualized.  As we walked around the cannabis cup and spoke to different businesses, one thing was made eminently clear. There is no central database of all the industry's products and even more so, no system that would connect businesses to businesses in a discreet, private and secure manor.  With this in mind we wanted to develop a cost effective way for all the new industry products to market themselves and expand their demographic reach.”

With the ever so fast growing cannabis market, systems like PotLocator are prepping for the day that online ordering will be possible.  “The PotLocator Cannabis Marketplace is a step in that direction,” said the development engineer and COO of the business, John Nicolazzo.   “We have already launched our new gateway for businesses which allows pre-ordering online and timed delivery of cannabis to consumers, and the businesses love it!”

Launched on September 1, 2015, the cannabis marketplace now has arrangements with some of the industry's top extract companies and currently has over 100 pending products being entered into the system for businesses to select from. 

“It wasn’t just the innovation of the marketplace that got us excited. We also launched earlier this year a new proprietary system called ARPIS, which stands for Automated Registered Patron Inquiry System,” said CEO Jason Draizin. In a nut shell, the ARPIS system is an innovative step in connecting consumers to businesses through a secure opt in program.  Here’s how it works. As registered users connect through PotLocator, the users are presented with an option of “interests” these interests consist of discounts on medicine, growing equipment, smoking accessories, legal help and more.  As the user connects, they are then sent a targeted email which includes discounts from the local businesses in the area of the registered user. This serves two purposes for us. Number 1, users can now use PotLocator as a channel for locating discounts on all cannabis related products, and number 2, all our advertisers will now have the flexibility of targeting a specific demographic of consumers based on the consumers interest in the industry,“ said Jason Draizin. 

Moving forward, both Jason and John expect further innovations in the industry and have been working on a few “Top Secret” projects that they state will change the industry forever while adding legitimacy like none other in the industry.  Jason and John both plan on making a statement before the end of the year to unveil their incredible innovation and strives in the industry.   


