Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Industry Key Trends, Size, Growth, Shares And Forecast Research Report: ResearchMoz

ResearchMoz added a new report titled "MediPoint: Negative Pressure Wound Therapy - Global Analysis and Market Forecasts" to its Research Report collection.

Albany - NY, Oct. 21, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), sometimes referred to as topical negative pressure therapy or vacuum-assisted wound closure, is an emerging advanced wound management technology that is being utilized in the treatment of both acute and chronic wounds. The treatment entails using a vacuum that exerts negative pressure on a wound, where the force is applied away from the body, through a sealed dressing. The market for devices that can perform the treatment, including stand-alone devices, portable devices, disposable devices, and canisters, is expected to grow steadily through 2021.

Increasing physician and patient awareness of NPWT as well as the rising prevalence of diseases directly associated with the onset of chronic wounds, such as diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease, are expected to drive the growth of the global NPWT market. The development of increasingly lightweight portable NPWT devices will improve overall patient satisfaction with the treatment. With improvements in the design of NPWT devices, they have the potential to become the standard of treatment for acute and chronic wounds in the coming years.

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This report focuses on the global NPWT market in the 10 major markets (10MM) (US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, China, India, and Brazil) for treating acute and chronic wounds. This report provides insight into the competitive landscape, the marketed and pipeline products, the current and emerging players, and market analysis of each segment. The report identifies the unmet needs in the market while providing an understanding of physicians perceptions and decision-making processes in using and evaluating the adoption of different types of NPWT devices.


Key Questions Answered

  • What is the current and future NPWT market outlook in the developed and emerging markets? What trends are affecting the global market?
  • Which are the key, high growth markets that manufacturers should expand into? Which markets are growing the fastest, and what are the top-selling products in each segment?
  • What are the unmet needs with NPWT devices currently on the market? How will emerging technologies fulfill these unmet needs?
  • What clinical factors and technical specifications influence a physician to use one type of NPWT device over another? What is physician perception and market outlook of NPWT?
  • What are the challenges and complications of NPWT that have hindered widespread adoption?
  • With developing the next-generation of NPWT devices, what aspects of the technology are device manufacturers focused on optimizing? How will new entrants impact the global NPWT market?

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  • Overview of wound management, including anatomy, epidemiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment guidelines and modalities.
  • Annualized total NPWT market revenue by type of device, direct and indirect costs of disease, procedure trends, and market outlooks by country through 2021.
  • Key topics covered include strategic competitor assessment, market characterization, identification of unmet needs, reimbursement and regulatory considerations, evaluating market access in each region covered in the report, and implications of the emerging technologies on the market.
  • Pipeline analysis: Comprehensive data split across different stages of development, including a discussion of emerging trends and NPWT devices in development.
  • Analysis of the current and future market competition in the global NPWT market. Insightful review of the key industry drivers, opportunities, barriers and challenges. Each trend is independently researched to provide qualitative analysis of its implications.

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Reasons to buy

What Physicians Think quotes provide a unique insight into how healthcare professionals are reacting to events within the industry, and what their responses could mean for industry strategists. In this report you will understand the perceptions of leading wound management specialists, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, and general surgeons from around the world. This information is essential for all strategic decision makers in every organization allowing them to act on high quality information.

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