Echinacea Backed By Undisputed Science and Clinical Trials for Cold & Flu Prevention and Treatment

Echinaforce(R) Hot Drink Proven as Effective as Prescription Medication... But Better!

MONTREAL, Oct. 21, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Each winter, colds and flus put millions of people out of commission. With these dreaded annual infections at our doorstep, Canadians are once again seeking the best option to prevent, treat and beat the inevitable seasonal bugs lurking on every doorknob, in every public bathroom and on every train or bus grab rail on their commutes to school or work.

Statistics show that 20% of influenza infections lead to complications, particularly in older people and those with a weak immune defence. They often result in more time off work and even hospitalisation. As a result, fear of complications is the main motive for antibiotic prescription by GPs. The overuse of antibiotics, leading to increasing numbers of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is now a major global public health problem.

The results from a randomised, controlled, multicenter clinical trial using 473 influenza patients, comparing A.Vogel's Echinaforce® Hot Drink to prescription Oseltamivir, released this May, could serve as an answer to this global dilemma

Dr. Peter Fisher, from the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine stated in his presentation that, "Neuraminidase inhibitors such as Oseltamivir are the current 'gold standard' for flu treatment, but they have significant limitations and side effects. Despite different modes of action, we found Echinaforce Hot Drink to be as effective as the golden standard but with a better safety profile."

The study clinically proved that Echinaforce® Hot Drink outperformed Oseltamivir in measures of risk of complications, safety and side effects. In the Oseltamivir group, pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis and other complications occurred at a higher rate compared Echinaforce® Hot Drink group.1

Unlike Oseltamivir, Echinaforce® Hot Drink is 100% natural and its availability as an over-the- counter medicine makes it an optimal treatment for influenza at the earliest onset of symptoms, which is a key factor when treating common viral infections. It maintains effectiveness when taken repeatedly and does not cause rebound effects on discontinuation.

Lead researcher, Professor Sebastian Johnston, Imperial College London, said: "This is the first time we have evidence that Echinacea not only reduces recurrent RTIs but also complications arising out of these infections." 2

A.Vogel's Echinaforce® products have a steady history of clinically proven science backing the efficacy of the product line.

In 2012, scientists at the Cardiff University School of Biosciences completed the largest clinical study on Echinacea purpurea in history using Echinaforce®, made from fresh organic, GMO free plants. The study found that this particular preparation of Echinacea was deemed safe to take as directed for up to four months to effectively modulate your immune system and reduce your chance of catching a cold or flu by 50%.3


1. Raus K, Schoop R, Pleschka S, Klein P, Fisher P. Echinaforce Hotdrink versus Oseltamivir in influenza: A randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, multicenter, non-inferiority clinical trial. Curr Ther Res. 2015; accepted for publication.

2. Schapowal A, Klein P, Johnston SL. Echinacea reduces the risk of recurrent respiratory tract infections and complications: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Adv Ther. 2015;32(3):187-200.

3. Jawad M, Schoop R, Suter A, Klein P, Eccles R. Safety and efficacy profile of Echinacea purpurea to prevent common cold episodes: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. ECAM. 2012; 2012: 841315. doi: 10.1155/2012/841315.

The history of a successful brand

A.Vogel was founded in Basel, Switzerland in 1923 by the company's founder and namesake, Alfred Vogel, a phytotherapist, naturopath and a pioneer in natural health. From 1937 Alfred Vogel cultivated and harvested herbs to manufacture remedies from fresh, organic GMO free plants. Today, A.Vogel (Bioforce) has over 500 employees and operates in 30 countries. The company's headquarters remain in Switzerland with subsidiaries in Holland, France, Finland and Canada. A.Vogel's commitment to organic farming methods means they use their own, carefully selected seeds, knowing the history of each plant, and having full traceability.


