Citycon updates its disclosure policy

CITYCON OYJ Stock Exchange Release 28 October 2015 at 9:04 hrs

Citycon Oyj's disclosure policy has been updated and is now available in English on the company's website

The updates are mainly technical, but include also the removal of the earlier EUR 150 million disclosure threshold set for material investments, divestments and development projects in 2012, as the threshold no longer reflects the current size and business operations of Citycon. The removal of the specific disclosure threshold allows the assessment of the materiality of each project on a case-by-case basis in view of the size and operations of Citycon at the time in question, and taking into account the nature of Citycon's business. Otherwise the disclosure principles applied by Citycon have been described in the disclosure policy and remain largely unchanged. 

Helsinki, 28 October 2015


For further information, please contact:
Henrica Ginström
Vice President, Investor Relations and Communications
Tel. +358 50 554 4296

Citycon Oyj (Nasdaq Helsinki: CTY1S) is a leading owner, developer and manager of urban grocery-anchored shopping centres in the Nordic and Baltic regions, managing assets that total close to EUR 5 billion and with market capitalisation of approximately EUR 2 billion. For more information about Citycon, please visit