Ricardo B. Salinas Presents “Una Vida por la Libertad” Award to Ron Paul

MEXICO CITY, Nov. 02, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Caminos de la Libertad, a Grupo Salinas initiative to provoke reflection and awareness about freedom, announced today that Grupo Salinas Chairman Ricardo B. Salinas presented the  “Una Vida por la Libertad” award to Ron Paul.

During the awards ceremony that also included the tenth annual essay contest Caminos de la Libertad” Mr. Salinas said, “If we really want to end poverty, what we need is more freedom, freedom of enterprise, to create productive companies that generate well-paying jobs. The way in which poverty is eliminated, is with more freedom.”

Upon the reception of the reward, former Republican Congressman Paul commented, "Our foreign policy is failing; people are tired of governments that interfere with personal freedom. There must be a replacement, and that replacement is freedom, and that's the reason why I put my effort to spread the message of freedom. "

Ricardo B. Salinas said to the contest winners, "I am very pleased that people like you are willing to think and analyze these issues because they are not matter of just Mexico, but a global matter. Thus I think it is great that Caminos de la Libertad exists, if not, we would have to invent it."

The essay contest is now one of the most recognized internationally, as each year writers from Mexico, United States, Central and South America and Europe participate. During its first 10 years, there have been 6,213 essays submitted.

Caminos de la Libertad is a project launched by Ricardo B. Salinas to contribute to the reflection on freedom in Mexico and throughout the world through seminars, symposiums, conferences, round tables, on its website www.caminosdelalibertad.com, and through its recognized contests Concurso de Ensayo Caminos de la Libertad and Concurso Caminos de la Libertad para Jóvenes.

In addition to the essay contest, the “Una Vida por la Libertad” was established seven years ago to recognize leaders who have defended freedom and continue doing so in benefit of society.

Former President of Spain Felipe González, Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus, and Scottish historian Niall Ferguson have received the award in past years.

In this tenth year, “Caminos de la Libertad” received essays from Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Panama, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Spain, the United Kingdom, Panama and the United States. The first place winner received US$15,000; the second US$10,000; and the third place US$5,000.


First place            
Name: Rafael Eduardo Micheletti.
Alias: Pericles.
Essay; "En defensa de la democracia. La necesidad de reestablecer el fundamento original del sistema democrático"
Country: Argentina

Second place
Name: Adrian Osvaldo Ravier.
Essay: Ludwig Von Hayek.
Obra; “La historia y la economía constitucional frente al constitucionalismo popular”
Country: Argentina

Third place
Name: Miguel Carbonell Sánchez // José Carbonell Sánchez.
Alias: James Madison.
Essay: “La libertad, los nuevos riesgos sociales y el Estado de derecho”          
Country: México


Name: Jorge Luis Bastidas Ponce.
Alias: Alex Moore.
Essay: “El populismo: enemigo de las instituciones y del Estado de Derecho” 
Country: Venezuela

Name: Rafael Enrique Beltramino.               
Alias: Enrique Castelli.
Essay: “El Estado de Derecho y la Libertad en las visiones de Mill y de Hayek. Pasado, presente y futuro”
Country: Argentina

Name: Armando González Mendoza.
Alias: Larebil ed Zidnerpa.
Essay: “¡Se los dije!, no debe ser la consigna a seguir”          
Country: México

Name: Gustavo Adrián Hasperué.
Alias: Claudio Molina.
Essay: “La decadencia del Estado de Derecho y el ideal de la Libertad”
Country: Argentina

Name: Luis Alfonso Herrera Orellana.
Alias: ElessarTelcontar.
Essay: “¿Es universalizable el Rule of Law? A favor de la vigencia en Hispanoamérica del imperio de la ley”
Country: Venezuela

Name: Helga María Lell.  
Alias: Paralelismos.
Essay: “Hombres y máscaras: el concepto de persona como fundamento de las variantes relaciones entre Estado y libertad”
Country: Argentina

Name: Martín Simonetta.
Alias: Luciano Pagani.
Essay: “Ocho principios que un líder populista no puede ignorar”
Country: Argentina

About Grupo Salinas

Grupo Salinas (www.gruposalinas.com) is a group of dynamic, fast growing, and technologically advanced companies focused on creating shareholder value, building the Mexican middle class, and improving society through excellence. Created by Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo B. Salinas (www.ricardosalinas.com), Grupo Salinas operates as a management development and decision forum for the top leaders of member companies. These companies include: TV Azteca (www.tvazteca.com; www.irtvazteca.com) Azteca America (us.azteca.com), Grupo Elektra (www.grupoelektra.com.mx), Banco Azteca (www.bancoazteca.com.mx), Advance America (www.advanceamerica.net), Afore Azteca (www.aforeazteca.com.mx), Seguros Azteca (www.segurosazteca.com.mx), Punto Casa de Bolsa (www.puntocasadebolsa.mx), Totalplay (www.totalplay.com.mx) and Enlace TPE (www.enlacetpe.mx). TV Azteca and Grupo Elektra trade shares on the Mexican Stock Market and are part of its Sustainability Index. Each of the Grupo Salinas companies operates independently, with its own management, board of directors and shareholders. Grupo Salinas has no equity holdings. The group of companies shares a common vision, values and strategies for achieving rapid growth, superior results and world-class performance.

