Holmen’s interim report January–September 2015

                          Quarter         January-September  Full year
SEKm                3-15     2-15   3-14    2015       2014       2014
Net sales          4 032    4 139  3 956  12 325     11 983     15 994
Operating profit     493      435    522   1 324      1 262      1 734
excl. items
Operating profit     493      435    522   1 324      1 262      1 284
Profit after tax     377      322    385     997        912        907
Earnings per         4.5      3.8    4.6    11.9       10.9       10.8
share, SEK
Return on equity,    7.2      6.1    7.4     6.3        5.8        4.3
Cash flow before     654      574    738   1 751      1 762      2 176
Debt/equity ratio   0.27     0.29   0.29    0.27       0.29       0.28

  · Operating profit for January–September 2015 was SEK 1 324 million
(January–September 2014: SEK 1 262 million). The improvement in earnings was due
to reduced costs and increased paperboard sales. Prices for printing paper and
sawn timber decreased but were partly offset by a weaker Swedish krona.
  · Compared with the second quarter, operating profit increased by SEK 58
million to SEK 493 million. The increase was due to higher paperboard deliveries
and seasonally lower personnel costs, while maintenance and rebuilding shutdowns
had a negative effect on earnings.
  · Profit after tax for January–September amounted to SEK 997 million (912),
which corresponds to earnings per share of SEK 11.9 (10.9). Return on equity was
6.3 per cent (5.8).

For further information please contact:

Henrik Sjölund, President and CEO, tel. +46 8 666 21 05
Anders Jernhall, EVP and CFO, tel. +46 8 666 21 22
Ingela Carlsson, Communications Director, tel. +46 70 212 97 12

This is information that Holmen AB is obliged to disclose under the Swedish
Securities Market Act and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication on 5 November 2015 at 11.30 CET.

