Hallsta Paper Mill starts PM 12 after fire

Today Holmen Paper restarted production on PM 12 at Hallsta Paper Mill. The
machine has not been in operation since the fire in the pulp factory stopped the
mill on 20 November.
PM 12, with an annual capacity of 230 000 tonnes, manufactures the book paper
Holmen BOOK and the magazine paper Holmen TRND.

“We’re naturally glad that we’re once again able to produce paper and start
delivering to our customers,” says Nils Ringborg, CEO of Holmen Paper.

The clean-up and repair work will continue in order to be able to fully restart
the entire pulp factory and thus also paper machine PM 11.

“Damage to the cabling and engines is more extensive in the section that
provides PM 11 with paper pulp. Our current assessment is that PM 11 will be
restarted in mid-January,” says Nils Ringborg and adds:

“We’re working intensively and in close dialogue with all our customers to meet
their needs for paper.”

The fire took place in the pulp factory in the north of the factory site. The
two paper machines at the mill were not affected or damaged by the fire. An
enquiry into the cause of the fire is in progress but has not yet been

As previously announced the incident is expected to have a negative impact on
results for the fourth quarter amounting to SEK 30 million.

For more information, please contact:
Jonas Lindell, communications manager, Holmen Paper, tel. +46 (0)70 323 20 13

This is information that Holmen AB is obliged to disclose under the Swedish
Securities Market Act and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication on 2 December 2015 at 11:00 CET.
Holmen is a forest industry group that manufactures paperboard, printing paper
and sawn timber and runs forestry and energy production operations. In 2014
Holmen’s net sales were SEK 16 billion and the group has approx. 3,400
employees. Holmen’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. For more
information, visit www.holmen.com

