Dart Appraisal Hosts Virtual Food Drive to Help Feed the Hungry in Southeast Michigan

TROY, Mich., Dec. 03, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This holiday season, contribute to your local food drive from the comfort of your home computer.  Now through the end of the year, Dart Appraisal is partnering with Gleaners Community Food Bank to host a virtual food drive to help provide the more than 77,000 meals needed each day to feed the hungry in our community.  Dart Appraisal is an independent, appraisal management company based in Troy, Michigan.

To donate to the Dart Appraisal Virtual Food Drive, simply visit:  https://gleaners.nationbuilder.com/donate_2015_dart_appraisal and choose your level of giving.  Every donation is 100 percent tax deductible through Gleaners Community Food Bank.   In Michigan, one in six people struggles with hunger, according to Feeding America.  Each year, Gleaners provides millions of pounds of donated and purchased food to people in need through its collaboration with member agencies, the Feeding America network, and program partners like Dart Appraisal.   In so doing, Gleaners is committed to distributing nutritional, high quality food.

“Dart Appraisal is pleased to help give back to the communities in which we live and work this holiday season,” said Michael Dresden, executive vice president of Dart Appraisal.  “A virtual food drive allows everyone who has access to the web to contribute to those who need it the most.  Together with Gleaners, we hope to enlist the help of the mortgage and appraisal industry to help alleviate hunger in metro Detroit.”  

According to Feeding America, “good nutrition, particularly in the first three years of life, is important for establishing a good foundation that has implications for a child’s future physical and mental health, academic achievement, and economic productivity. Unfortunately, food insecurity is an obstacle that threatens that critical foundation.  According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 15.3 million children under 18 in the United States live in households where they are unable to consistently access enough nutritious food necessary for a healthy life. Although food insecurity is harmful to any individual, it can be particularly devastating among children due to their increased vulnerability and the potential for long-term consequences.”

Gleaners Community Food Bank adopts best practices and cost effective systems and procedures to achieve the highest possible return on its human and financial resources. Gleaners fulfills its role with a sense of compassion and urgency while nourishing, sustaining and advancing hope in our community.

Named one of the 50 Best Mortgage Service Providers in America by Mortgage Executive Magazine in 2014 and 2015, Dart Appraisal is an independently-owned, nationwide Appraisal Management Company (AMC) founded in 1993. For two decades, the company has built a reputation of superior customer service combined with innovative technology to deliver accurate and timely residential appraisals. www.Dartappraisal.com

