Nykredit's Management has for some time been exploring the long-term strategic scope for future-proofing the Nykredit Group. Against this backdrop, the Boards of Directors of Foreningen Nykredit ("Nykredit Association") and Nykredit Holding A/S as well as Nykredit's Group Executive Board all unanimously recommend that Nykredit take steps towards being listed on the stock exchange.
The Committee of Representatives of the Nykredit Association has discussed the deliberations about a stock exchange listing. The Committee is expected to make a final decision on the matter on 10 February 2016. Specifically, it is recommended that Nykredit Holding ("Nykredit"), which is the holding company for the entire Nykredit Realkredit Group apply for admission to trading and official listing of its shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen. The Nykredit Association today owns 89.8% of Nykredit. It is intended that the Nykredit Association maintains its controlling interest after a listing.
The recommendation to list Nykredit on the stock exchange is rooted in the challenge that Nykredit is facing in terms of the new and stricter capital requirements under way from international authorities. The forthcoming requirements are not final yet, but their scope is expected to be significant. In the absence of fundamental changes, these requirements, even in a minimum version, will pose a substantial challenge for Nykredit with its current structure. A challenge that Nykredit, as a responsible, systemically important financial institution, must address and strive to resolve now.
Nykredit will hold a press conference where Michael Rasmussen and Nina Smith
will attend at 11.00 CET, at Kalvebod Brygge 1, DK-1780 Copenhagen V.
All press conference attendees must register with hwk@nykredit.dk.
A teleconference will be held for analysts at 13:00 CET in Danish
and at 15:00 CET in English. Please register for the teleconference
with Investor Relations by emailing investor_relations@nykredit.dk
Tomorrow on 5 February at 8:30-9:30 CET Michael Rasmussen
will answer questions from customers or other interested
parties on Nykredit's Facebook page.
For more information, please contact Nykredit Press Relations at +45 30 44 00 54.
Please find the announcement attached.