Swedbank comments on media statements regarding Michael Wolf being reported to the police

Swedbank confirms that the bank has submitted a report to the Swedish Financial
Supervisory Authority under the reporting obligation rules in the Swedish Market
Abuse Act.
The reason for this is that the bank has identified transactions which “may be
assumed” to constitute a criminal offence. The person who has carried out the
transactions is the bank’s former CEO Michael Wolf. The report has been
forwarded by the Financial Supervisory Authority to the Swedish Economic Crime
Authority, which is the authority that decides whether to initiate a preliminary
investigation. The bank will fully cooperate with the authorities concerned.

The reporting obligation rules include a prohibition on disclosure, meaning that
the bank cannot disclose to the individual in question or any third party that
reporting has taken place. The bank has concluded, however, that the
confirmation now made by the bank, due to statements in media, does not harm the
investigation and the confirmation has been preceded by contact with the
authorities concerned.

Press Conference in Swedish at 15.30 CET Swedbank will arrange a Press
Conference in Swedish at 15.30 CET. The conference will be hosted by Anders
Sundström, Chair of the Board and will be held at Swedbank HQ at Landsvägen 40,

You can also follow the Press Conference by dialing  one of the following
+46 8 505 564 74 or +44 203 364 53 73

Swedbank AB (publ) is required to disclose this information pursuant to the
Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528), the Swedish Financial Instruments
Trading Act (1991:980) and/or the regulatory framework of Nasdaq Stockholm).
This information was sent to be published on 12 February 2016 at 14.45 CET.
For further information, please contact:
Claes Warrén, Acting Press Manager, telephone +46 70 375 00 54
Swedbank främjar en sund och hållbar ekonomi för de många människorna, hushållen
och företagen. Vår vision är att stå för hållbar tillväxt “Beyond Financial
Growth”. Som en ledande bank på hemmamarknaderna Sverige, Estland, Lettland och
Litauen erbjuder vi ett brett utbud av finansiella tjänster och
produkter.  Swedbank har drygt 7 miljoner privatkunder och ca 600 000 företags-
och organisationskunder med 275 kontor i Sverige och 144 kontor i de baltiska
länderna. 2015 hade vi 850 miljoner digitala kontakter med våra kunder i
Sverige. Koncernen har även verksamhet i övriga Norden, USA och Kina. Den 30
december 2015 uppgick balansomslutningen till 2 149 miljarder kronor.
Läs mer på www.swedbank.se

