Viking Supply Ships A/S Interim report Jan-Dec 2015.

Press release

29 February 2016
Total revenue for Q4 was MNOK 283 (476), of which vessel operations contribute
with MNOK 252 (396) and Services and Ship Management segments contribute with
MNOK 31 (80). The EBITDA for Q4 was MNOK 68 (257).

The operating result (EBIT) for Q4 was MNOK -59 (206). The net result for Q4 was
MNOK -98 (113). The result for Q4 was negatively impacted by an impairment loss
on the PSV fleet of MNOK -80 and an unrealized currency loss of MNOK -21 (-62).

The average fixture rate in Q4 was NOK 515,000 (497,000) for the AHTS fleet and
GBP 4,330 (7,620) for the PSV fleet. The average utilization in Q4 was 68% (73%)
for the AHTS fleet and 70% (49%) for the PSV fleet. These figures exclude the
four laid-up vessels.

For further information please contact:

Ulrik Hegelund, CFO, ph. +45 41 77 83 97, e-mail

Morten G. Aggvin, IR & Treasury Director, ph. +47 41 04 71 25, e-mail

Viking Supply Ships A/S is a subsidiary of Viking Supply Ships AB (publ). The
operations are focused on offshore and icebreaking primarily in Arctic and
subarctic areas. For further information, please visit:
The information was submitted for publication on 29 February 2016 at 08:31 am


VSS-AS-Q4 2015 publ.pdf 02286340.pdf