Extraordinary general meeting of Trigon Agri A/S

On 4 March 2016, the extraordinary general meeting of Trigon Agri A/S (the
“Company”), CVR no. 29 8018 43, was held at Gorrissen Federspiel, H.C. Andersens
Boulevard 12, DK-1553 Copenhagen V, where the following resolutions were passed:

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Peter Gæmelke, and CEO and the President
of the Company, Joakim Helenius, reported on the financial position of the

The Company’s share capital was reduced by nominally EUR 63,517,464.71 from
nominally EUR 64,813,739.50 to nominally EUR 1,296,274.79 to cover losses, by
way of decreasing the nominal value of each share from EUR 0.5 to EUR 0.01. As
part of the proposal, the relevant amendments to the articles of association of
the Company were adopted.

The Company’s shares were changed from being bearer shares to being shares
registered in the name of the holder as it is no longer possible after 1 July
2015 to issue new bearer shares pursuant to the Danish Companies Act.
Accordingly, Article 4.1 was also amended.

The last sentence of Article 8.2 of the articles of association was deleted as a
consequence of an amendment of the Danish Companies Act.

Articles 4.6 – 4.11 of the Articles of Association, including appendix 1 and
appendix 2, were deleted as the authorisations granted to the Board of Directors
to issue warrants and the exercise period of any such warrants had expired.

The extraordinary general meeting authorised the Board of Directors until 1
December 2016 in one or more issues to obtain one or more loans with an
aggregate face value of minimum EUR 3,000,000 and up to an aggregate face value
of EUR 6,000,000 against issuance of bonds, which give the lender right to
convert his/her loan into shares in the Company (“convertible bonds”). Existing
shareholders will have no pre-emptive right. The convertible bonds will be
issued at market price which can be below par value of the convertible bonds.

In addition hereto, the general meeting authorised the Board of Directors to
carry out the related share capital increase with a maximum nominal amount of
EUR 1,950,000 by issuing up to 195,000,000 new additional shares. The conversion
price shall correspond to the market price, which is determined by the Board of
Directors at the time of issue of the convertible bonds.

The detailed terms of the convertible bonds are to be determined by the Board of
Directors in accordance with the general terms and conditions set out in the
notice to the extraordinary general meeting which is available at

Investor enquiries:

Mr. Joakim Helenius, CEO of Trigon Agri A/S, Tel: +372 66 79200, E-mail:

About Trigon Agri

Trigon Agri is an integrated soft commodities production, storage and trading
company with operations in Ukraine, Russia and Estonia. Trigon Agri’s shares are
traded on the main market of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

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