Alma Media Corporation Stock Exchange Release 17 March 2016 at 3:30 pm (EET) ALMA MEDIA CONCLUDED FINANCING AGREEMENTS VALUED AT EUR 40 MILLION WITH POHJOLA BANK AND DANSKE BANK Alma Media Corporation has made an agreement on two credit limits of EUR 15 million and two loans of EUR five million with OP Financial Group’s Pohjola Bank and Danske Bank. The maturity of both the credit limit agreements and the financing loans is three years. The aim of the financing agreements is to extend the maturity structure of the group’s financing and improve liquidity. In December 2015, Alma Media’s interest-bearing net debt was EUR 76.2 million and gearing 59.2%. ALMA MEDIA CORPORATION Rauno Heinonen Vice President, Corporate Communications and IR For more information, please contact: Juha Nuutinen, CFO, Alma Media Corporation, tel. +358 50 438 0984 Distribution: NASDAQ Helsinki, main media, Alma Media in brief Alma Media is a media company focusing on the service business and journalistic content. The company’s best-known brands are Kauppalehti, Talouselämä, Affärsvärlden, Iltalehti, Aamulehti, and Monster. Alma Media builds sustainable growth for its customers by utilising the opportunities of digitality, including information services, system and expert services and advertising solutions. Alma Media’s operations have expanded from Finland to the Nordic countries, the Baltics and Central Europe. Alma Media employs approximately 2,500 professionals (excluding delivery personnel), of whom approximately 30% work outside Finland. Alma Media’s revenue in 2015 was EUR 291.5 million. Alma Media’s share is listed on NASDAQ Helsinki. Read more at
Alma Media concluded financing agreements valued at EUR 40 million with Pohjola Bank and Danske Bank
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