Commercial Organizations in California go Solar now or miss out on savings

SANTA CLARA, Calif., March 31, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Due to a 2015 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) proposed decision, PG &E will eliminate the current A-6 electric rate schedule. Small to medium California businesses considering solar energy are advised to go solar immediately. Failure to act, can result in missing out on 34% or more on savings.

The A-6 tariff, or electric rate schedule, presents the ideal pricing structure for commercial organizations going solar. Businesses and Non-profits with solar generating capabilities are able to avoid high energy rates during peak demand. Currently the A-6 rate is available to organizations utilizing under 500 kilowatts of average power consumption over the previous three months. Which means many small to medium sized commercial businesses, churches, small distribution, and manufacturers, need to capitalize on the A-6 tariff before it is gone.

Fortunately for California commercial businesses, a revision of the decision was issued last year in June by Administrative Law Judge Stephen C. Roscow extending the expiration date to December 31, 2016. Allowing California commercial businesses more time to get the A-6 rate before its expiration. Meaning commercial organizations must be on the A-6 tariff before December 31st, 2016 date, which means the solar installation should be complete and have permission to operate before the end of the year.

Commercial solar projects on average take six months to complete. Therefore, in order to successfully switch to A-6, it is strongly recommended to act as soon as possible, no later than end of May, or risk missing out on 34 percent savings based on Vista Solar's free A-6 case study. Commercial businesses in California can miss out on 34 percent if they fail to switch to A-6 before December 31st. In Vista Solar's case study, the customer will miss out on $31,861 annually if they fail to switch to A-6. Act now and secure savings through solar solutions, the window of opportunity is quickly closing.

About Vista Solar
Vista Solar is a California commercial solar electric design and installation firm, which specializes in analyzing commercial and agricultural utility rate structures and optimizing solar system designs to generate the maximum energy bill savings for clients. With over 100 solar installations and +20 megawatts of solar power systems installed across California, Vista Solar has a demonstrated ability to deliver solar solutions that generate dependable energy production and significant long-term financial benefits. For more information, visit and follow Vista Solar on Linkedin and Twitter.

