The Traffic Committee states that the government should not incorporate the EU directive under the Transport Agency's proposal

Ahead of the Swedish government’s preparation work, the Traffic Committee has
stated that Sweden should not adjust the inspection interval according to the
minimum requirement in the EU directive.
In October 2015, the Swedish Transport Agency proposed that the current
inspection interval for the inspection of passenger cars and light trucks should
be changed from 3-2-1 to 4-2-2, which is the minimum EU level of inspection
intervals. The industry calls the Swedish inspection period for 3-2-1 (initial
inspection takes place after three years, the next time after two years, etc.).
This proposed change would mean that most vehicles on public roads would go
longer before receiving an initial inspection for safety or emissions and, once
initially tested, the interval between all subsequent inspections would be
doubled from the current interval. The Traffic Committee has now presented its
views on the proposal and emphasizes the importance of having a vehicle
inspection system that is effective and efficient. The Traffic Committee
believes that the government should only change the rules as to when the vehicle
must be inspected in such a way that road safety and the environment are not
affected negatively.

The Traffic Committee emphasizes the importance that the government incorporates
an inspection package in a way so that Sweden’s high ambitions in terms of road
safety and environmental concerns remain. According to the Traffic Committee,
there are several reasons why Sweden should not adjust the time between
inspections to the minimum required by the EU directive. Periodic vehicle
inspections are important to ensure that the vehicles remain safe and do not
cause excessive emissions. The Traffic Committee emphasizes that even relatively
new cars are subject to errors in technical inspection. In addition, frequent
inspections are necessary to monitor the actual emissions.

The Opus Group strongly supports the statement of the Traffic Committee. For
many years, Sweden has been considered the world leader in road safety due, in
part, to our Vision Zero goal of zero traffic deaths. From 1991 to 2013, the
number of annual road fatalities in Sweden has decreased by 64% from 745 to 263.
Maintaining the inspection interval at the current 3-2-1 frequency and
continuing to modernize the inspection process and criteria are important steps
in keeping the Vision Zero goal for Sweden alive. If the Swedish government
simply adopts the Transportstyrelsen recommendation as is, it will do
significant damage to our noble Vison Zero goal, potentially resulting in an
increase in fatality rates as is currently being experienced by the UK. We can
do better. Our government should lead us with policy that spurs innovation and
investment in vehicle inspections in order to increase and not decrease traffic
safety in Sweden.

The full report 2015/16: TU11 from the Traffic Committee is available on the
Swedish Parliament’s website:

Mölndal, April 12, 2016
Opus Group AB (publ)
For additional information, please contact
Magnus Greko
President and CEO
Phone: 46 31 748 34 00
Peter Stenström
Investor Relations
Phone: 46 765 25 84 93
Opus Group is a leading vehicle inspection company with a strong focus on
customer service and innovative technology. Opus Group is one of the market
leaders in vehicle inspection operations in the US and Sweden.  Opus Bilprovning
has 78 vehicle inspection stations in Sweden. Opus Inspection operates vehicle
inspection programs in the U.S., Bermuda, Chile, Peru and Pakistan and is active
in sales and service of emission control equipment in North America and Mexico.
Opus Group’s revenues amounted to approximately SEK 1,650 million in 2015. Opus
Group’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

