AGM in Mycronic – additional proposals from the Nomination Committee

Täby, 12 April, 2016 - At the time of publication of the AGM notice, on 31 March
2016, the work of the Nomination Committee was not fully completed. The
Nomination Committee hereby presents additional proposals on the following:
Item 11. Resolution regarding number of board members and deputy board members.
Item 12. Determination of fees for the members of the Board of Directors and the
Item 13. Election of board members and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Item 11: Resolution regarding number of board members and deputy board members
and auditors
The nomination committee proposes that the Board of Directors for the period
running until the end of the next AGM shall be composed of six members with no
deputy members and that one registered accounting firm is elected as auditor.

Item 12: Determination of fees for the members of the Board and the auditors
Board remuneration has been unchanged since the year 2012. The nomination
committee proposes a ten percent increase of the remuneration, to a total of SEK
1,705,000 for the period running until the end of the next AGM, of which SEK
550,000 shall concern remuneration to the Chairman of the Board, SEK 220,000
shall concern remuneration to each of the other board members and SEK 55,000
shall concern remuneration to the Chairman of the audit committee. The Board of
Directors may invoice the remuneration from his or her own company if current
tax legislation allows for invoicing and as long as it can be done cost neutral
for Mycronic. If the board remuneration is being invoiced through a company, the
remuneration shall be increased with an amount corresponding to social security
costs under law.

The nomination committee also proposes that the auditors’ fee for the period
running until the end of the next AGM is taken on current account.

Item 13: Election of board members and Chairman of the Board of Directors
The nomination committee hereby motivates its proposal regarding election of
Board members. To meet the requirements put on the Board of Directors as a
result of the company’s current and future position, the nomination committee
has discussed the size and composition of the Board. An important view is the
principle that the Board should reflect the different skills and experiences
required for the company's operations The Board's work is evaluated annually,
either by external evaluation or self-assessment. The aim is to develop, set
goals and measure the Board's work but also to provide the nomination committee
a basis for the task to put forward proposals to the AGM. In 2015, the
evaluation was made by an external party. The result of the evaluation has been
presented to the nomination committee.
The nomination committee proposes re-election of the Board members Katarina
Bonde, Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist, Magnus Lindquist and Patrik Tigerschiöld,
and new election of Per Holmberg and Stefan Skarin. Patrik Tigerschiöld is
proposed to be re-elected as Chairman of the Board. Anders Jonsson and Eva
Lindqvist have declined re-election.
Per Holmberg is an experienced industrialist with extensive international
background and extensive experience of acquisitions and integration of
operations in Asia, Europe and the United States. Per has gained this experience
during many years of senior management in both Electrolux and Hexagon. Since
2004, Per is responsible for one of three business areas in Hexagon EMEA, a
leading supplier of information technologies for quality and productivity
Stefan Skarin has for 25 years been active in the IT industry, in Ericsson,
Oracle and Adobe and has extensive experience from software operations as well
as business development in strong growth. Since 2001, Stefan is the CEO of IAR
Systems, a world-leading supplier of software for embedded systems for
industrial applications among other things. By creating new alliances and
creative business models, he has secured the company’s leading position and has
at the same time opened for further growth as future market developments evolve.
Stefan has an extensive international experience and through his role in IAR
Systems he also holds an understanding of the electronics industry's challenges
and opportunities.
The nomination committee has also considered the gender balance in the
composition of the Board. The Board has had an even distribution since 2012.
According to the nomination committee's proposal, the Board of Directors will
consist of women to 33 percent. The nomination committee believes that the Board
is well balanced, with good conditions to conduct its work effectively.
The Board of Directors’ and the nomination committee’s complete proposals are
available on the company website.

Contact at Mycronic:
Anna Ulinder
Investor Relations
Tel: +46 8 638 52 00 (

About Mycronic AB
Mycronic AB is a Swedish high-tech company engaged in developing, manufacturing
and marketing of production equipment for the electronics industry. Mycronic
headquarters are located in Täby, north of Stockholm and the Group has
subsidiaries in China, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, the
Netherlands, Taiwan, United Kingdom and the United States. For more information
see our web site at:

Mycronic AB (publ) is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm, Mid Cap: MYCR.

The information was submitted for publication on 12 April, 2016.

