Extreme Technologies, Inc. Unites the Community with Make-A-Wish Sponsorship

Community Wide Celebration for Grace Lopez

KATY, Texas, April 12, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Extreme Technologies, Inc.®, a leader in professional consulting and staffing solutions, teams up with the Make-A-Wish® Foundation to sponsor the wish of a 13-year-old girl. Grace Lopez was diagnosed with a form of leukemia called MDS and wished to visit the set of the TV show "Arrow." Extreme technologies organized a community wide event to celebrate with Lopez. This event was held on March 5, 2016 in Katy, Texas.

"Do it for Grace!" Learn more about Team Grace at: https://www.facebook.com/doitforgrace/

"Extreme Technologies felt drawn to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and was blessed to have the opportunity to meet Grace and her family," said Lisa Guidry, CEO, Extreme Technologies, Inc. "We loved being able to donate Grace's wish and to host a celebration for Grace to send her and her family off on the memory of a lifetime! In our current economy, it feels great to be grounded on the things that matter most in life."

Lopez received a bone marrow transplant for her MDS about a year ago. Prior to her illness, she was a competitive cheerleader and known by many. Extreme Technologies wanted to involve the community by throwing Lopez a wish celebration. Many people volunteered their time and resources including local artist, Poe Fowler, in face painting and local photographer, Kim Schaffer in party photos. The celebration also included games, petting zoo, DJ and food. Friends and family of Lopez attended the celebration along with the entire Extreme Technologies staff, family and clients. The local fire department showed up and everyone came together with Extreme Technologies to raise additional funds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Lopez and her family will travel to Hollywood to the set of "Arrow" in the coming months in correspondence with her treatment schedule. She has recently been able to attend school again and start back at the cheer academy after a year absence.

"It was an honor to be able to share in such a special send off party for Grace's Make-A-Wish trip," said Michele Wright, volunteer, Make-A-Wish Foundation. "The community is so grateful to Extreme Technologies for coordinating Grace's amazing event. Grace and her family were touched by their generosity!"

Additional Resources:
Photos from the celebration: http://kimschafferphotography.pass.us/grace
Team Grace Page: https://www.facebook.com/doitforgrace/

About Extreme Technologies:
Extreme Technologies is a hybrid consultancy of professional services, staff augmentation, and search under one umbrella. Founded in 1998, Extreme Technologies, Inc. has helped forward-thinking companies adapt to evolving market conditions by building project teams and isolating the top 20% of talent for direct hire placement.

