Wallenstam issues green bonds for SEK 400 million

Wallenstam is issuing green bonds for SEK 400 million with a maturity of two
years, aimed at refinancing wind turbines in the subsidiary Svensk NaturEnergi,
which produces electricity through wind power.
The green bonds are unsecured and will run for two years with maturity in May
2018. The bonds for SEK 400 million will run with a floating coupon of 3M STIBOR
+ 95 points. The bonds will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Swedbank has acted as
the issuing institution. Swedbank’s shadow rating of Wallenstam AB is BBB flat
and BBB- on the bond loans.

Wallenstam has retained DNV GL in order to provide an opinion regarding how well
the bonds follow the existing green bond framework. DNV GL has developed a green
bond framework in order to evaluate Wallenstam’s bonds. This framework is based
on the Green Bond Principles − a series of voluntary guidelines that aim to
achieve transparency, openness and integrity in the green bond market. In light
of the information DNV GL has received from Wallenstam and the work that DNV GL
has carried out, it is DNV GL’s opinion that Wallenstam’s green bonds meet the
criteria set out in the green bond framework and may thus be considered “green”,
as defined in the green bond framework and in line with the spirit of the
principles for green bonds.

“We are now issuing additional green bonds, where the proceeds from the bonds
will be used to refinance wind turbines in our subsidiary Svensk NaturEnergi,
which produces renewable energy,” says Hans Wallenstam, CEO of Wallenstam AB.

Wallenstam has been self-sufficient in renewable energy from its own wind
turbines since year-end 2012/2013.

Facts about Svensk NaturEnergi:

•                     64 wind turbines

•                     Total installed output 139 MW

•                     Svensk NaturEnergi’s book value for wind power is just
over SEK 1.3 billion.

•                     Approx. 5,200 customers who purchase green electricity

•                     For more information about Svensk NaturEnergi, please
visit www.svensknaturenergi.se

Wallenstam AB (publ) is required to make this information public under the
provisions of the Swedish Financial Markets Act and the Swedish Financial
Instruments Trading Act. This information was released for publication on May
20, 2016 at 14.30 CET.
For further information, please contact:
Ulf Ek, Finance Director Wallenstam AB (publ) tel. +46 31 20 00 00 or +46 705 17
11 37
Susann Linde, CFO and IR Director Wallenstam AB (publ) tel. +46 31 20 00 00 or
+46 705 17 11 34
Wallenstam is a growing property company that manages, builds and develops
properties for sustainable living and enterprise in Gothenburg and Stockholm.
The property holding is valued at around SEK 33 billion and the customer base
consists of just over 7,500 households and 1,000 enterprises. The total lettable
area is around 1 million sq m. Wallenstam is self-sufficient in renewable energy
through the company Svensk NaturEnergi. The company’s B shares have been listed
on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1984.

