Announcement No 7

The Supervisory Board of Investeringsselskabet Luxor A/S has today adopted the Half-year Report as at 31 March 2016.

Second quarter of the financial year:

  • Basic earnings amount to DKK 5.7 million (DKK 6.3 million).
  • The Group’s results for the quarter before tax show a profit of DKK 5.5 million (DKK 8.6 million). After tax, the Group shows a profit of DKK 4.3 million (DKK 6.7 million).

Half-year 2015/16:

  • Basic earnings for the half-year increased from DKK 10.8 million to DKK 14.5 million. The increase is primarily attributable to an increase in net financial income of DKK 4.6 million.
  • The Group’s results before tax for the half-year show a loss of DKK 4.0 million (DKK -4.6 million). The results for the period are affected by net negative fair value adjustments and realised losses on bonds including currency hedging of DKK -12.6 million as well as negative fair value adjustments of interest swaps and debt to mortgage credit institutes of DKK -5.2 million.
  • The net asset value per share in circulation is DKK 331.17 (DKK 359.07). The net asset value per share in circulation is significantly affected by the dividend distribution of DKK 50 million in January 2015, corresponding to DKK 50 per share.

Expected profit for the year 2015/16

  • For the financial year 2015/16, expected basic earnings are maintained at approx. DKK 24.0 million.

Fair value adjustments and losses and gains realised on bonds, foreign currencies and interest swaps, etc are not included in basic earnings and have, as from the beginning of the financial year until 19 May 2016, affected results for the year before tax by DKK -11 million. The amount covers DKK -18 million relating to the first half-year and DKK 7 million relating to the period 1 April to 19 May 2016.

For additional information concerning the Half-year Report, please contact Jannik Rolf Larsen, Manager.

         Jannik Rolf Larsen, Manager


fonds.medd. 31. marts 2016 UK..pdf