BoConcept Holding A/S has received notification that in connection with the conditional voluntary public offer from Layout Bidco A/S the following major shareholders has sold their total holding of shares in BoConcept Holding A/S and is no longer shareholders in the Company:
BoConcept Invest ApS
Viggo Mølholm
Small Cap Danmark A/S
Kirk & Thorsen Invest A/S
In addition, BoConcept Holding A/S has received notification that Layout Bidco A/S, a 100% owned subsidiary of Layout Holdco A/S, has acquired 240,000 A-shares and 2,405,950 B-shares in BoConcept Holding A/S equal to 95.7% of the votes and 92.4% of the capital in the Company
Herning, 11 July 2016
Queries regarding this announcement are referred to: Chairman Peter Thorsen, phone: +45 40 70 06 76.