The Krauss Organization warns that as hurricane season heats up, commercial property owners should take action to limit losses

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 22, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With 12 named storms since the Atlantic hurricane season started June 1, property management experts at The Krauss Organization are urging owners to take steps to minimize potential destruction or disruption of tenant business as the Florida storm season heats up.

Frank G. Cisneros Jr., the Tampa native who leads the Commercial Property Management Division at The Krauss Organization, observed this hurricane season has already reached the yearly average with 12 named storms, and that the most active part of the season is still to come.

The record high was 28 named storms and 15 hurricanes in 2005, with the record low in 1983 with four named storms and two hurricanes. Cisneros offers these tips for property owners seeking to minimize the risks of storm damage, physical injury or business disruption:

  • In a power outage, electric locks on buildings and key cards obviously are not going to work, creating personnel evacuation problems for tenants or ingress-egress challenges for security or public safety personnel. Also, the probability of vandalism or unwanted intrusion is heightened. Talk to your security system providers and the power company about remedies.
  • Have your roofing vendor make sure no drains or scuppers are clogged, which also caused roof flooding and some roof collapses during Hermine’s torrential rains.
  • Absentee owners should insist their property managers give them detailed building integrity reports along with the monthly financials always, but especially during hurricane season from June 1 to Nov. 30.
  • Exceptionally heavy rains recently have saturated the earth and softened tree root structures. That has created more potential for trees to topple, a situation that will be aggravated with high wind events. Professional landscaper observation, proper trimming, pruning or adding support structures could help avoid these problems. 
  • For absentee landlords or owners, make sure your property manager takes advantage of modern storm forecasting information to keep you informed of the potential for a hit as low pressure systems develop into named storms.
  • Check the sealant around rooftop HVAC supports, and make sure gutter and parapet flashing is secure (high winds will rip open the flashing and allow rain water to be blasted into roof structures).
  • Make sure window caulking and door-jam gaskets and thresholds are water tight because wind-driven rain will find its way in through cracks or openings.
  • Check on grounds to make sure no culvert pipes are clogged or could be clogged by debris from downed limbs or trash.
  • What about canvas and metal awnings, especially sheet metal coverings on parking spaces? Are they secured properly, or are there weak points that can be forced open by high winds and peeled back or ripped off?
  • Communicate with your insurance providers regularly throughout the year to keep all your coverage current (especially flood and wind-rain riders), but most importantly in the spring before hurricane season begins.

