Sustainable Prosperity takes on new name: Smart Prosperity Institute

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Oct. 25, 2016) - Sustainable Prosperity has changed its name to Smart Prosperity Institute, effective immediately. The Smart Prosperity Institute will continue to be Canada's leading source of research and policy insights for a stronger, cleaner economy.

Based at the University of Ottawa, the Smart Prosperity Institute will renew its efforts to generate world-class, policy-relevant research for the media, federal and provincial/territorial governments, the private sector, the civil society, and the public at large on policy and market solutions for a stronger, cleaner economy.

Current and forthcoming work from the think tank includes: the annual State of the Market report on Green Bonds in Canada, a series of policy briefs on Accelerating Clean Innovation Across the Economy, authoritative work on the role of advanced infrastructure, pricing, and boosting energy and resource efficiency; and a program area targeted at the municipal level of government including recent work on stormwater pricing.

The Smart Prosperity Institute will also continue to serve as the Secretariat for the Smart Prosperity Initiative - which is a project that features 28 prominent business and civil society leaders from across Canada helping accelerate Canada's transition to a stronger, cleaner economy. The Initiative is Co-Chaired by Lorraine Mitchelmore (Past President and Country Chair of Shell Canada), Stewart Elgie (Professor of Law at University of Ottawa), and Annette Verschuren (President & CEO at NRStor, past President & CEO of Home Depot).

A new logo and website ( were unveiled to coincide with the announcement of the Smart Prosperity Institute launch.

Contact Information:

Smart Prosperity Institute
Mac Radburn
Communications Officer

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