MHI/YouGov Survey Finds Americans’ Joys, Anxieties About Thanksgiving Are Universal

Thanksgiving experience differs more by generation than housing type

ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 17, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From overcooking the turkey to guests getting too tipsy, and from being stuck at the kid’s table to someone revealing a family secret, it turns out that the American holiday experience is about the same no matter whether you rent or own, or whether you live in a manufactured home, site-built home or apartment.

That was the bottom line in the “All The Same Under One Roof” survey conducted by the Manufactured Housing Institute and international market research firm YouGov.

“What we found is that when family and friends gather at home for the American holiday experience, those who live in manufactured housing have the same joys, concerns and memory-making as those who live in site-built homes, apartments and condominiums,” said Richard Jennison, president and CEO of MHI. There wasn’t a statistical difference based the type of home in which respondents lived.

Jennison added, “We found some amusing and very useful differences among age groups, regions of the nation, and other delineators, some of which could be used to help plan accordingly and smooth the holiday experience for everyone.”

It's no surprise to MHI that the holiday experiences are so similar. “The findings reflect the position that MHI champions — it’s time to get rid of the misconceptions surrounding factory-built housing and those who live in these homes,” Jennison added. “Today’s manufactured homes feature high-quality construction and customization, and can cost up to $35 less per square foot than traditional site-built homes.”

Three out of five respondents acknowledge a fear about the upcoming holidays. Among those that express a fear, their top three biggest holiday fears are that politics will be discussed over dinner (27%), they will be stuck in traffic (15%) and their favorite team will lose the game (13%).

In addition, for Thanksgiving, 28% admit to taking an after-dinner nap, 17% have complimented the cook when they didn’t like the food, and 13% have said something they shouldn’t have.

“One can speculate on the whys of these findings, and dig in and find all kinds of interesting facts, but what we find most important is that the ties that bind the American family and the American holiday experience unite us regardless of what kind of home we live in, income level and education,” Jennison said. “Americans are all the same under one roof.”

The survey did find some fun differences, and they are more likely to fall along age, education, income and geographical lines — whether the issue is a good old nap or worry that there won’t be enough wine at the table.

Among the many findings:

  • Traditionally women are the big holiday planners but they have fewer concerns about things going wrong than do men.
  • Millennials and Gen Xers are most likely to get too tipsy and to worry about running out of wine at dinner.
  • Despite the stereotype of the boorish uncle who will talk politics at dinner, among those with a holiday fear, it’s Boomers who are most worried about it happening.
  • Millennials worry most about overcooking the turkey, while Boomers are least likely to politely compliment food when it’s not up to snuff.
  • It’s Gen Xers who most want a post-turkey nap. (Boomer grandparents or Millennials without kids at the table may want to plan activities for the grandkids.) And the more years of education, the more likely a post-dinner nap is in the cards.
  • Best not to assign doing dishes to Millennials or family members who are separated or single; they’re most likely to make an excuse to get out of it.
  • Football may be a holiday tradition, but don’t worry that a loss will dampen the holiday spirits. Even among men, just 15% worry that their team will lose on the holiday.
  • Younger and single? You’re probably going to be sleeping in your childhood bedroom if you stay the night.
  • Generally, the higher the household income, the more likely they've had someone who overstayed their welcome.
  • If you’re a grown up and want to avoid the kids’ table, then it’s best to be married – single Millennials and Gen Xers are most likely to be stuck with the children.

Among those who expressed a fear, the biggest holiday fears among all age groups are:

  • 27%   Politics will be discussed over dinner
  • 15%   I’ll be stuck in traffic
  • 13%   My favorite team will lose the game
  • 12%   We will run out of food
  • 10%   The cook will ruin the dinner
  • 10%   We will run out of wine
  • 8%     Religion will be discussed over dinner
  • 6%     A family secret will be revealed

Responses for all age groups when asked if this has ever happened to them at Thanksgiving:

  • 28%   Taken a post-turkey dinner nap                    
  • 17%   Complimented the cook even when the food was bad      
  • 13%   Said something I shouldn't have                   
  • 10%   Gotten too tipsy                  
  • 10%   Been an adult, stuck at the kids table                         
  • 10%   Over-cooked the turkey                   
  • 9%     Hosted a house guest who stayed too long              
  • 8%     Slept in my childhood bedroom     
  • 7%     Made an excuse to avoid doing the dishes
  • 7%     Waited in line to use the bathroom

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,227 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between November 2-3, 2016. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all U.S. adults (aged 18+).

For more information and to dig deeper into the survey findings, please visit

MHI is the only national trade organization representing all segments of the factory-built housing industry.  MHI members include home builders, lenders, home retailers, community owners and managers, suppliers and 50-affiliated state organizations.  Visit us on Twitter @MHIUpdate, and Facebook

