Lyons Consulting Group CEO Rich Lyons Named EY Entrepreneur of the Year® 2017 Award Finalist

CHICAGO, May 03, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lyons Consulting Group (LYONSCG), a leading digital agency and global commerce service provider, announced that its President and CEO, Rich Lyons, has been named a finalist for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year® 2017 Award in the Midwest. The award recognizes entrepreneurs who are excelling in areas such as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities. Rich Lyons was selected as a finalist by a panel of independent judges. 

Founded in 2003, LYONSCG has prospered under Rich Lyons’ leadership, underscored by his personal and corporate mission that every employee and client be given the opportunity to realize their full potential in commerce and in all that they do. Today, the company employs approximately 300 people, with revenues approaching $50 million. LYONSCG works with internationally recognized retailers and brands to deliver brand-centric eCommerce and unified commerce solutions.

“I’m honored to be named a finalist for this prestigious award,” said Rich Lyons. “The credit really goes to the team at LYONSCG, the most talented and committed in the industry. As a global commerce services firm, the success of our business relies on our ability to deliver high-quality, high impact solutions to our clients. In order to do this, we need motivated and talented people who identify with our values and our commitment to client success.”

Award winners will be announced at a special gala event on June 21 in Chicago. Regional award winners are eligible for consideration for the Entrepreneur of the Year National competition.  Award winners in several national categories, as well as the Entrepreneur of the Year National Overall Award winner, will be announced at the Entrepreneur of the Year National Awards gala in Palm Springs, California, on November 18, 2017. The awards are the culminating event of the Strategic Growth ForumTM, the nation’s most prestigious gathering of high-growth, market-leading companies.

About Lyons Consulting Group
Lyons Consulting Group (LYONSCG) is a leading global commerce service provider, with capabilities that include consulting, digital agency, systems integration, technology services, and managed services. LYONSCG combines proven methodologies, deep technical expertise, and award-winning design to create digital commerce experiences that engage and convert consumers and buyers. Hundreds of leading B2C and B2B brands trust LYONSCG to realize their commerce vision and continually optimize it to drive profitable growth. LYONSCG is a strategic partner of Salesforce Commerce Cloud, SAP Hybris, and Magento; and is the recipient of Salesforce Commerce Cloud Global Sales Partner and Delivery Partner of the Year awards; and Magento Partner Excellence and Magento Innovator of the Year awards. For more information, go to

About Entrepreneur Of The Year®
Entrepreneur Of The Year®, founded by EY, is the world’s most prestigious business awards program for entrepreneurs, chosen from an independent panel of judges including entrepreneurs and prominent leaders from business, finance, and the local community. The program makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global awards program of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in over 145 cities and more than 60 countries.

About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

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