Funding provided to shorten lengthy diagnosis time for Myositis

Myositis Canada awards $10,000 to Dr. Marie Hudson and Dr. Giovanni Di Battista to undertake innovative research to identify biomarkers for the early diagnosis of autoimmune myositis 

EDMONTON, Alberta, June 13, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Myositis Canada envisions a world where myositis is quickly and accurately diagnosed and where successful treatments are in place.  Many doctors across Canada see very few cases of Myositis and often patients go undiagnosed for upwards of five years, or are misdiagnosed which leads to complications, and inefficient spending of health care dollars.

Effective May 27, 2017 as part of Myositis awareness month, Myositis Canada/Myosite Canada is pleased to announce the awarding of a $10,000 research grant to Dr. M. Hudson, Physician-scientist at the Jewish General Hospital & Associate Professor at McGill University, and Dr. G. Di Battista, Professor, McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec.

The project, “Quantitative/Qualitative Proteomic Analysis of Inflammatory Myopathy with Mitochondrial Pathology and Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis” is a pilot project focused on the proteome of muscle biopsies from highly selected patients with autoimmune myositis. The project will use state-of-the-art technology and bioinformatic tools to identify biomarkers that could be used to improve the diagnosis process.

Myositis Canada was formed in 2015 to raise awareness, encourage research and provide support to those suffering from this rare disease.

It is hoped the results in one year’s time will lead to further funding and studies of biomarkers for early diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of therapeutic response. Patients, caregivers and supporters of those with myositis will benefit long-term from the knowledge generated by this research.

Background Information:

Myositis Canada

Myositis Canada is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by myositis. Formed in 2015, Myositis Canada is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that includes patients, family members and interested professionals, bringing diverse strengths and perspectives to the organization. The organization achieved charitable status from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on December 2, 2015.

Please visit for more information.

What is myositis?

The word myositis literally means inflammation of muscle; it describes inflammation or swelling of the muscle tissue that can result in rapid and tragic muscle loss; this can be caused by infection, injury, certain medicines, exercise, and chronic disease.

Some of the chronic, or persistent, forms are idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. "Idiopathic" means that the cause is unknown.
There are a number of types of myositis, they include:

  • Dermatomyositis (DM)
  • Inclusion-body myositis (IBM)
  • Juvenile forms of myositis (JM)
  • Polymyositis (PM)

There are currently treatments for all forms of myositis except for inclusion-body myositis.
The other forms of myositis can be treated but only about 20% of people affected make a full recovery, flare ups are often common over the span of a lifetime. As research continues into the causes, symptoms and effects of this disease, new forms of myositis are brought forward.

