UbiCare Wins for Joint Replacement Surgery Resources to Navigate Hospitals Through Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Initiative

Boston, June 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Health technology company UbiCare has been named a top winner for its thought leadership and educational efforts surrounding Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR). CJR holds orthopedic hospitals financially accountable for satisfaction and outcomes following knee and hip replacement surgery.

The honor, a Gold Lamplighter Award, came from the New England Society for Healthcare Communications. The Lamplighters recognize excellence in healthcare communications throughout New England.

UbiCare’s CJR campaign offers hospitals and health systems strategies for successfully implementing the CJR episode-based payment initiative. Specifically, it looks at how patient engagement targeted to specific points in the episode of care can, in an automated way, be used to lower readmission rates and increase patient satisfaction after joint replacement surgery.

An AHRQ study finds that patients who are educated about their post-care instructions are 30 percent less likely to be readmitted or visit the ED.

A Gallup study shows that educating patients earlier, in the pre-care period, impacts patient satisfaction. It finds that 72% of patients who strongly agreed that knew what to expect after surgery also said that they were extremely satisfied, and just 8% reported complications.

Through a mix of targeted digital education, mobile connections and real-time data, UbiCare’s SmarteXp engagement solution empowers hospitals to guide and track patients through their surgical care episodes by push email and text messaging. The content technology helps hospitals provide more efficient care in a variety of service lines so that patients feel more connected to their care and reach better outcomes.

This kind of expectation-setting patient engagement is proven to reduce length of stay by up to 17% and generate new hospital revenue of $421,000.

The 2017 Lamplighter competition received 352 entries and awarded 51 hospitals, healthcare organizations and agencies for superior healthcare content creation. Judges came from the Mississippi Society for Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations, Wisconsin Healthcare Public Relations and Marketing Society and Louisiana Society of Hospital Public Relations and Marketing. The full list of winners is available here.

Download UbiCare’s CJR resources here.

About UbiCare

UbiCare, a digital health company, provides engagement solutions enabling hospitals to be at the forefront of patient-centered innovation and value-based care. Through targeted education, mobile connections and real-time data, UbiCare's interactive SmarteXp platform improves your hospital's quality of care and operational efficiencies. Learn more at ubicare.com.

