Donors across Canada needed to fill 25,000 appointments before Labour Day  

Somewhere in Canada, a patient needs a blood transfusion every 60 seconds

OTTAWA, Aug. 22, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When the call for help goes out to Canadians, they respond. Canadian Blood Services saw that well-known Canadian value come to life earlier this summer as it worked to rebuild what was then a precarious inventory of blood for Canadian patients. As the Labour Day long weekend approaches, Canadian Blood Services is counting on that generosity and is urging eligible Canadians to book appointments.

Blood donations often decrease during summer months, something that Canadian Blood Services plans for. Canadian Blood Services confirms that 25,000 appointments need to be filled before Labour Day.

“We anticipated a drop in blood donations during the summer months as a result of holidays, changes in routines, travel and family activities. The Labour Day long weekend is particularly challenging as families spend time wrapping up the summer before transitioning into the back to school period,” says Mark Donnison, vice president, donor relations. “Earlier this summer, we asked Canadians to take some precious time out of their summers for patients in need of blood. And they responded! To continue to meet patients’ needs, we urge new and returning donors to book an appointment starting now and through Labour Day.”

Those with appointments are encouraged to keep their appointment and, if possible, bring a friend or family member to donate with them.

To book an appointment today, locate a clinic, check your eligibility and more, download the GiveBlood app available for iOS on the App Store or for Android on Google Play or visit

About Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Blood Services manages the national supply of blood, blood products and stem cells, and related services for all the provinces and territories (excluding Quebec). We operate an integrated, pan-Canadian service delivery model that includes leading an interprovincial system for organ donation and transplantation. Our national scope, infrastructure and governance make us unique in the Canadian healthcare landscape. Canadian Blood Services is regulated as a biologics manufacturer by Health Canada and primarily funded by the provincial and territorial ministries of health. Canadian Blood Services is a not-for-profit charitable organization.




