The Ontario SPCA assists Redemption Dogs in rescuing Houston dogs displaced by hurricane

STOUFFVILLE, Ontario, Sept. 11, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is supporting Toronto-based Redemption Dogs to rescue dogs displaced in Houston by Hurricane Harvey. 

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

Redemption Dogs is an umbrella canine advocacy group that oversees Redemption Paws, a not-for-profit that helps animal shelters in the aftermath of natural disasters. Eight volunteers made the drive to Texas and transferred over 35 dogs to Ontario to assist Houston-based shelters struggling to care for dogs that had been waiting to be adopted prior to the decimation caused by the hurricane. With the assistance of the Welland & District SPCA, the dogs crossed the border into Ontario on Monday, Sept. 11.

The dogs being brought to Canada range from Chihuahuas and Great Danes, to Dalmatians and mixed-breeds. Some of the dogs have disabilities and will be looking for compassionate homes. All of the dogs coming to Canada went through Hurricane Harvey while housed in shelters, or were relinquished by their owners after the hurricane.

The dogs are currently being cared for by the Ontario SPCA and are undergoing veterinary checks and any necessary medical treatments, including being spayed or neutered, before they will be ready for adoption. 

“None of this would have been possible without the support of the community, the volunteers who used their vacation time to go retrieve the dogs or without the Ontario SPCA support to help manage such a large number of dogs,” says Nicole Simone, Founder of Redemption Dogs, Director at Redemption Paws.

“Having spent time in Houston and being acquainted with their rescue community, it was clear that Houston had a stray dog problem long before Harvey came along. With more and more catastrophic events as a result of climate change, it is important that animals in need are taken into consideration as part of existing local rescue efforts.”

“Our hearts go out to the people and animals affected by the flooding in Houston,” says Tanya Firmage, Chief of Humane Programs & Community Outreach, Ontario SPCA. “We are pleased to be able to assist Redemption Dogs to give these animals a second chance after they have endured so much.”

The Ontario SPCA commends the citizens of Houston and Redemption Dogs for making this incredible rescue mission possible.‎ We thank the Welland & District SPCA and the Georgian Triangle Humane Society for their support of the rescue efforts.

Once they are ready to find loving homes, the dogs will be available for adoption through Redemption Dogs.

To donate to the animal care of these dogs, please visit, or

Ontario SPCA and Humane Society:

Protecting animals since 1873, Ontario SPCA is Ontario's Animal Welfare organization. A registered charity comprised of close to 50 communities.

Since 1919, when Ontario's first Animal Welfare legislation was proclaimed, the Ontario SPCA, with the help of its Communities, has been entrusted to maintain and enforce Animal Welfare legislation. The Act provides Ontario SPCA Agents and Inspectors with police powers to do so.

Ontario SPCA provides leadership in animal welfare innovations including introducing high-volume spay/neuter services to Ontario and opening the Provincial Education and Animal Centre.

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