A Step-by-Step Guide To Population Health Management – How One Behavioral Health Organization Partnered With Relias Learning To Drive Change

Join this exclusive executive web briefing on October 10 at 2:00pm ET to hear the Missouri Coalition of Behavioral Health and CMT’s journey to a population health home including where to start, what technologies will be needed, and how to report performance measures

Gettysburg, PA, Oct. 01, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Effective population health management is crucial for health care providers’ future business sustainability. The movement from fee-for-service to value-based service models requires providers to identify and track patients within a larger population. Moreover, providers are increasingly compelled to report on performance measures for the specific population and receive payments based on the performance. Therefore, providers must alter their current workflows and rely on a new set of skills and activities to survive in this emerging service delivery paradigm.

Join Relias to hear from Carol Clayton, PhD, former CEO of CMT, a data analytics solution company, and Tammy Floyd, LPN/Healthcare Home Director of North Central Missouri Mental Health Center, as they talk about their journey together in supporting the evolution of the behavioral health provider system to fully functioning population health homes in the state of Missouri.

During this 60- minute executive briefing, attendees will hear:

  • A framework for population health management – objectives, functionality, technology, and training
  • Strategies for selecting and reporting on performance measures
  • How they made population health management work at the Missouri Coalition For Behavioral Health

To learn more about this executive web briefing, or take advantage of free online registration, please visit: https://www.openminds.com/event/key-improving-population-health-management/.

All registrants will receive (at no charge and regardless of attendance) a recording of the webinar and an electronic copy of the presentation slides at its conclusion.

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ABOUT Relias Learning Company

Relias Learning offers online training to post-acute care, acute care, health and human services, autism and applied behavior analysis, public safety, payers, schools, and intellectual and developmental disabilities organizations. It’s our mission to measurably improve the lives of the most vulnerable members of society and those who care for them.


OPEN MINDS is an award-winning information source, executive education provider, and business solutions firm specializing in the post-acute health and human service markets. For thirty years, we’ve been pioneers for change – helping organizations implement the transformational business practices they need to succeed in an evolving market with new policies and regulations.

OPEN MINDS is powered by a national team of experienced executives and subject matter experts with specific expertise in the post-acute health care market. Our mission is to improve the quality of care for individuals with complex support needs by improving the effectiveness of those serving them – provider organizations, payer and insurance organizations, government agencies, pharmaceutical organizations, and technology firms. Learn more at www.openminds.com.

