The John Bolton PAC will contribute to each campaign for a collective amount of $45,000

Wton, D.C., Oct. 04, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ambassador John Bolton announced today that he will endorse five candidates for Congress: U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel (OH), and U.S. House candidates Rep. Darin LaHood (IL-18), Rep. Don Bacon (NE-2), Rep. Robert Pittenger (NC-9), and Rep. Barbara Comstock (VA-10). In addition to his endorsement, the John Bolton PAC will contribute a collective $45,000 to their campaigns. With this announcement, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed 18 candidates for U.S. Congress and his PAC has contributed a collective $175,000, which is the most contributed by a leadership PAC in 2017.

“With growing risks from North Korea, Iran, radical Islam and other foreign agents, it is more important than ever that we elect to Congress candidates who understand the grave danger America faces and will make strengthening our national security a top priority,” said Ambassador Bolton. “America is at a crossroads and needs steady, competent leadership. These five candidates have a proven track record of standing for foreign policies that put America first, and I am proud to endorse them for Congress.”

Ambassador Bolton on Josh Mandel

“Josh Mandel has proven that he is committed to protecting our country from the threat of radical Islamic terrorism,” said Ambassador Bolton. “In Ohio, for example, he worked to divest tax dollars and Ohio pension funds from Iran and other state sponsors of terrorism. I believe that Josh will continue this commitment if elected to Congress and that is why I am endorsing his candidacy for election to the U.S. Senate.”

Josh Mandel on Ambassador Bolton’s Endorsement

“As a Marine Veteran who served two tours of duty in Iraq, I know the importance of leaders like Ambassador John Bolton and am proud to have his support. Together, Ambassador Bolton and I share a mission of strengthening our military and working to defeat radical Islam and those who wish to harm America. I know first-hand the threats America faces and will be the first to fight in the U.S. Senate to keep our country safe and secure.” 

Ambassador Bolton on Rep. Darin LaHood (IL-18)

“Darin LaHood understands that a strong national defense is crucial to keeping America safe and he has dedicated his time in office to ensuring that the U.S. maintains a trained and ready military force by providing our troops with the necessary resources,” said Ambassador Bolton. “As a former Chief Terrorism Prosecutor, he has the skill and experience needed to continue his great work in Congress fighting to protect our nation from national security threats, which is why he will continue to have my support for his re-election.” 

Rep. Darin LaHood (IL-18) on Ambassador Bolton’s Endorsement

“Earning the endorsement of Ambassador John Bolton is extremely humbling. As a leader in American foreign policy, he understands the serious and significant threats facing our country and supports those who stand against the likes of ISIS and North Korea, who wish our country harm. As a former Federal prosecutor, I have witnessed firsthand how important it is to stay constantly vigilant against the security threats we face as a nation. I am privileged to have Ambassador Bolton’s support as I continue working to ensure the safety and security of all Americans.”

Ambassador Bolton on Rep. Don Bacon (NE-2)

“Don Bacon knows that peace is attained when America is strong, which is why he supports restoring military readiness so that our nation is prepared to face dangerous and complex threats to our national security,” said Ambassador Bolton. “Don is also acutely aware of the threat posed by rogue nations like North Korea, and I am confident that he will continue his work in Congress keeping America and her allies safe at home and abroad. I endorsed him in 2016, and I am endorsing him again because he deserves a second term in Congress.”

Rep. Don Bacon (NE-2) on Ambassador Bolton’s Endorsement

“Receiving an endorsement from Ambassador John Bolton – one of America’s leading experts on foreign policy and national security – is truly an honor. I have spent my entire adult life in the United States Air Force protecting America from foreign threats, and while I may have retired the uniform, I have no intention of stopping now. Steady guidance and strong leadership are necessary to defeat threats like North Korea and radical Islamic terrorism, and I am determined to continue defending my constituents and all Americans as a member of Congress.” 

Ambassador Bolton on Rep. Robert Pittenger (NC-9)

“Robert Pittenger has consistently supported important national security legislation, proving he understands that America must be vigilant and prepared to adapt to new and evolving threats,” said Ambassador Bolton. “As Chair of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare and Vice Chair of the Bipartisan Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing, he has been a strong and active voice in Congress, standing up against terrorism and other complex threats to our nation.”

Rep. Pittenger (NC-9) on Ambassador Bolton’s Endorsement

"Ambassador Bolton is a distinguished national security professional and public servant, and I am honored to receive his endorsement and support. I am facing a DCCC-backed Democrat opponent who doesn’t support the strong conservative values that I share with Ambassador Bolton. The Ambassador’s support goes far towards helping our efforts, and I look forward to continuing our important national security work together into the next Congress."

Ambassador Bolton on Rep. Barbara Comstock (VA-10)

“We need leaders in Congress that recognize the threat posed by ISIS and other terrorist groups, and understand what it will take to defeat these enemies. Rep. Comstock has consistently proven to be just such a leader, voting to support our military and for advancing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA),” said Ambassador Bolton. “As Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Research and Technology, Rep. Comstock is also an important voice in Congress for strengthening U.S. cybersecurity capabilities. It is for these and many other reasons that I am endorsing her candidacy for re-election to Congress.” 

Rep. Barbara Comstock (VA-10) on Ambassador Bolton’s Endorsement

“I am proud to again receive the endorsement of Ambassador John Bolton for a third term in Congress. Ambassador Bolton is an outspoken advocate of strong national security policies which protect our nation and her allies from outside threats, particularly from rogue actors such as North Korea, Iran, and ISIS. Ambassador Bolton advocates for supplying our troops with the resources they need to get the job done and as a representative of a district that serves many veterans of our armed services, the Ambassador's support is meaningful as I continue my work in Congress standing for the security of our nation.”

For the 2016 elections, the John Bolton PAC contributed a total of $680,000 and endorsed 94 candidates, making it the most active leadership PAC in the country, and earning the PAC numerous industry awards.


About the John Bolton PAC ( The John Bolton PAC was founded by former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John R. Bolton to raise the importance of American national security in federal elections. The PAC will support and contribute to candidates who are committed to restoring strong American economic and national security policies that secure America's interests in a challenging world.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

