John Marshall IP Center Director Daryl Lim Speaks at Defense Research Institute Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois, Oct. 11, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Professor Daryl Lim spoke at the Defense Research Institute’s Annual Meeting on Friday, October 6. Lim is the Director of the Center for Intellectual Property (IP), Information & Privacy Law at The John Marshall Law School. About 1,000 defense attorneys and in-house counsel attended the week-long event in Chicago.


Other speakers at the event included Former U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.; Former CIA Director John Brennan; Jeffrey R. Toobin, Senior Legal Analyst, CNN Worldwide and Staff Writer at The New Yorker; Sonja R. West, Brumby Distinguished Professor of First Amendment Law, University of Georgia School of Law; and Pamela Pierson, Professor of Law at the University of Alabama School of Law.

“It was an honor to be invited to address distinguished members of the bar and in-house counsel,” Lim noted. “The invitation both reflected John Marshall’s long-standing reputation in practice-focused IP research and education and the difference that the Center continues to make today in synthesizing the theory and practice of IP law.” 

Lim highlighted key trends at the intersection of IP and antitrust law. With regard to the tech sector, his talk assessed antitrust responses to strategies used by standard essential patent owners and their affiliates to extract value from their patent portfolios. With regard to the pharma sector, it assessed the state of play on reverse payment settlement agreements. The presentation also considered the impact of foreign antitrust developments on U.S. companies whose core assets lie in their IP.


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