We Do Better Helps Communities Find and Fund the Best Ways of Providing Public Services

In most areas of life, when we want to improve the ends or outcomes, we try to identify and choose the best means of providing them. We Do Better believes that we should be doing just that in the field of public services, too.

Kennesaw, GA, Oct. 12, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We Do Better, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization is launching today in an effort to maximize the quality and accessibility of public services across America.

“In most areas of life, when we want to improve the ends or outcomes, we try to identify and choose the best means of providing them,” Executive Director Dan Johnson said. “But when it comes to public services, we typically don’t do that.”

Public services cover many domains, such as the production and supply of food, clothes, electrical power, houses, systems and modes of transportation, medical treatments, or most modern forms of communication, to name just a few examples. There are many ways of providing them.

Although most Americans think of the government when they hear the words “public services,” the majority of those services are in fact provided by charities and companies — or, in other words, by We the People. However, the government receives most of our resources, even when the services it provides fall short in quality or accessibility.

This is mostly a result of the unique means by which government services are funded, which eliminates accountability by guaranteeing revenue regardless of the quality or accessibility of the services that are provided. This, in turn, enables inefficiency and waste to increase unchecked, making victims of those who need and use the public services as well as those who pay for them.

The only measure of success in the field of public services that really matters is human wellbeing. With this focus, We Do Better helps communities find and direct their resources to organizations, groups, and people that already Do Better in providing those services, as measured by the outcomes they achieve.

Local Do Better teams across America will identify and work with NGOs, charities, and companies that serve their areas, helping those who need their help get in touch with them.

Once members of local communities know where to go for the help and services they need, the Do Better teams will begin to generate support for, and to pass, the Universal Charitable Credit (UCC). In the spirit of Arizona’s Charitable Tax Credit, this legislation allows each taxpayer to direct up to five hundred tax dollars to any qualified nonprofit in the state.

Throughout this process, We Do Better will obtain data concerning the impact of the services provided by those organizations to promote and spread best practices.

“We believe that our moral commitment to improving each other’s lives transcends any ideological commitment to a particular method of doing so,” Marketing Director Robin Koerner said. “It’s time we start measuring our compassion by the good that we do, and not the amount we spend or the strength of our good intentions.”


About We Do Better

We Do Better is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) organization committed to promoting the freedom and wellbeing of all Americans by maximizing the quality and accessibility of public services and accountability in their provision.

Learn more at https://wedobetter.org/


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