Kanguru Provides Ideal USB Security Solutions For GDPR Compliance

Kanguru Is Making It Easy For Organizations To Comply With GDPR

Millis, Massachusetts USA, Nov. 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- One of the biggest, most extensive changes in data security regulations is coming out of the European Union. Although the intent behind GDPR is primarily for organizations of EU nations to protect the personal data of its EU citizens, the implications of this new regulation have a tremendous effect on countries worldwide including the United States and Canada, with potential hefty fines for organizations that violate the new security policies.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects any nation that conducts business with EU nations pertaining to the collection and processing of personal data of EU citizens. This new law provides EU citizens with specific rights and control regarding how their personal information is collected, secured and processed.  The new regulation has already been in place since April 14, 2016, with a 2-year grace period to give organizations enough time to prepare. On April 25, 2018, GDPR will go into full force, with punishing fines for organizations that are found to be in non-compliance once the deadline passes.

Kanguru Solutions is making it easy for organizations around the world to comply with the new GDPR requirements by providing robust products that encrypt data, and high-end security management tools for Data Protection Officers to monitor and manage sensitive information under any budget.

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