Binck lowers rates for Dutch active investors.

New price plan also offers discounts to self-investing customers in combination with Binck savings and investments products

Amsterdam, 26 March 2018 - BinckBank introduces a new price plan with multiple packages for its self-investing customers in the Netherlands. The following principle applies: the more investment activity the more favorable the rates. Each package provides customers with extra tools that support them in the management of their investment portfolio. The new pricing allows customers to trade at very competitive rates within the secure environment of a bank.

Additionally Binck self-investing (execution only) customers with multiple Binck products,  such as Binck Savings or Binck Investing products like Binck Forward, Binck Pension or Binck Comfort, receive discounts.

The 'combination' discount ('CombiDeal') and the new price plan will form the new tariff structure for Binck's self-investing customers who are amongst other products trading in shares, options and funds. Trading in Binck turbos will remain free of transaction costs, like it was already introduced last year.

The new price plan offers customers more possibilities, following the principle that more business or trades at Binck will lead to a better (price) offer. Lower transaction rates are possible thanks to the introduction of a service fee, charging on a monthly basis for keeping an account and using our platform and information services. However this fee will be waived to a large extent when the customer activates other Binck products, such as Binck Savings, Binck Forward, Binck Pension or Binck Comfort (CombiDeal).

"Our new investment packages for our self-investing customers are tailored to the different needs of the various types of investors. In order to keep our customer satisfaction at the highest level of the Netherlands, we continue to invest heavily in our user-friendly and award-winning trading platforms, our excellent customer service and our knowledge transfer through our communication channels and via our trainers. We notice that more and more consumers start investing and we want to help them by lowering the threshold. This new price plan with the different packages offers existing and new customers the opportunity to choose an appropriate package fitting their own needs." says Jeroen Sonsma, director Binck Nederland.

Three price packages and a CombiDeal
Binck introduces three well-organized investment packages for Self-Investing:

 ·         Binck Green: Focused on the equity investor who wants to independently build and maintain a portfolio and wants to use our analysis tools and extensive education program;

  • Binck Blue: For the more active equity and derivatives investor who wants access to trade ideas and our advanced ProTrader platform;
  • Binck Black: Tailored to the day traders. Binck Black offers very competitive rates, access to a relationship manager and exclusive masterclasses tailored to the needs of this demanding target group.


Additionally Binck introduces the CombiDeal, providing customers a cost advantage when they also make use of other Binck products for their wealth management, all under one roof. 

As from Monday 26 March 2018 Binck customers will be informed on the website and via a personalized mail about the new rates. The communication  will also indicate which of the three price packages is most favourable to them based on their past trading behavior. Customers will be automatically switched to a new price package from 1 May 2018, but they can also immediately opt in if preferred. The new price plan is directly available for new customers. Customers can switch packages free of charge on a monthly basis.

With the introduction of the new tariff structure, clients will still experience the excellent service levels which they are used to. Binck's security, stability, transparency and user-friendliness of the bank's platforms remain of the highest standards. Customers also benefit from the 'best execution' for order execution, the most efficient order execution at the best available purchase or selling price at that moment. Binck is committed to improving order execution with specialized partners. This focus on excellence in order execution results in price improvements which can deliver structural benefits for customers.

BinckBank broadens its services
For BinckBank itself, the new price plan means that the bank can offer the newly introduced services Binck Investing and Binck Savings for the first time in combination with Binck Self-Investing at a very competitive rate. Thanks to a wider product range, customers can now turn to Binck for a complete package of state of the art investing and savings services. This fits in with the mission to help clients realize their financial ambitions.

More information can be found on our website (in Dutch).


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