Pathfinder’s Manager Noah Dubale

Santa Rosa, April 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Noah Dubale is the manager of Santa Rosa’s own advertising and marketing firm Pathfinder. They work with clients in the industries of home entertainment, transportation and consumer electronics, but only Fortune 100 businesses. There are big goals and projections for Pathfinder as they grow, expand and take on more clients.

Noah joined the company in Las Vegas in November of 2016 after moving from Ethiopia six years ago for a better opportunity. Noah originally moved to Seattle before heading to Vegas with the goal of making a name for himself and becoming successful enough to move his whole family from Ethiopia. He grew up playing soccer, basketball and running track competitively. He attended the College of South Nevada for business management and aeronautical engineering and truly loved business management. At just 20 years old Noah was promoted to account manager and managing others in just four weeks. In under nine months Noah earned his promotion to Branch Manager.

“The whole concept of the company just made sense to me,” continues Noah, “the lack of seniority and merit-based promotions with fully provided training, mentor-ship and conferences pushed me to challenge myself to show what I was made of.” Pathfinder’s management training position is offered to their top representatives based on work ethic, student mentality and management ability. They are trained in leadership with more than eight conferences nationwide yearly focused on team building, interviewing skills, training others, leading from the front and negotiating skills. They also provide several management retreats yearly with their most sought after one being outside of the country in a tropical paradise in October yearly. “We understand that if we can develop and train our top team members internally that it is a win-win situation for our clients, business and team all around.” Comments Noah.

It is clear that through the leadership Noah has provided his team with, and the same for surrounding teams in the office, that the culture of Pathfinder has become one of extreme health. When you walk into the building everyone is kind, energetic and accepting. There are clear expectations and standards of operations built into the day-to-day of Pathfinder, and that structure is clearly something that has paid dividends into the company’s future growth. The unified vision for what Pathfinder can be in Santa Rosa is something truly unique. That vision will only grow stronger as this vibrant firm continues its move towards industry prominence.

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