Trinity Oaks Wines and Trees for the Future Nonprofit Celebrate 10 Years of Partnership this Earth Day

Eco-conscious wine brand and nonprofit projected to reach goal of planting 20 million trees in their tenth year

St. Helena, Calif., April 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trinity Oaks wines and Trees for the Future nonprofit today announced that they are projected to plant 20 million trees in their tenth year of partnership. To date, the winery and nonprofit organization have partnered to plant nearly 19 million trees, and are on track to reach 20 million trees by July 2018. This milestone signifies an important goal for both organizations, who partnered in 2008 to plant one tree for every bottle of Trinity Oaks wine sold – a program known as One Bottle One Tree®.

An eco-conscious wine brand at its core, Trinity Oaks is proud of the benefit that communities and the environment are seeing as a result of the One Bottle One Tree program. The trees planted through this collaboration with Trees for the Future are helping the planet by restoring its soil and other natural resources. Because these trees bear fruit, communities benefit from the steady income they generate and the clothing, food and education they afford.

“Partnering with Trees for the Future has proven invaluable in helping us achieve our goal of practicing sustainability and making a difference in the lives of people in need,” said Brie Wohld, marketing director for Trinity Oaks wines. “We’re proud to partner with an organization that shares our determination to do good, planting nearly 20 million trees since the One Bottle One Tree program’s inception. This Earth Day, we raise a glass to Trees for the Future and the powerful social and environmental impact they have driven.”

“Our partnership with Trinity Oaks has been instrumental in our success as an international development nonprofit tackling world hunger and poverty. With the help of Trinity Oaks, we’ve been able to assist tens of thousands of people in over 20 countries by planting over 150 million trees,” said John Leary, executive director for Trees for the Future. “Trinity Oaks remains a main driver to our growth – both through the winery’s direct financial contribution and the example they set for other businesses looking to emulate their commitment to sustainability.”

The impact of the One Bottle One Tree program can be seen around the world. Africa is one such place that has benefited from Trinity Oaks’ collaboration with Trees for the Future. A community in Senegal benefited from 8,000 trees planted, which established a 2.5 acre forest garden plot. In this community and others like it, the trees protect its gardens and provide shade and valuable resources. Similarly, fresh fruits and vegetables provide nutrition for farming families. The surplus of fruits, firewood, berries, oils, medicines and other tree products produced are sold at market for profit. Through these means the trees provide a source of food and income that provide a pathway out of poverty, an objective of paramount importance to the One Bottle One Tree program.

Trinity Oaks practices this commitment to sustainability in other aspects of their business, as well. The winery’s non-GMO, gluten-free wines are bottled in eco-friendly packaging that includes capsules made from compostable plant-based materials, recyclable corks that generate a smaller carbon footprint, labels printed on 100 percent post-consumer waste paper, recyclable glass that’s lighter than the industry standard, and unbleached shippers made with 40 percent post-consumer materials.

This Earth Day and every day, those wishing to help Trinity Oaks and Trees for the Future plant 20 million trees may do so by enjoying one of the five wine varietals in the Trinity Oaks portfolio: Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Trinity Oaks wines are available in restaurants, grocery and wine stores nationwide and retail for $7.99. For more information on Trinity Oaks and to learn more about the power of trees, please visit

About Trinity Oaks

Trinity Oaks Wines was founded in January 2001. Seven years later, Trinity Oaks committed to help plant one tree for every bottle sold in partnership with the nonprofit organization, Trees for the Future. The program is called One Bottle One Tree® and through this program the brand has been able to contribute over 18 million trees to countries in need of resources. Trinity Oaks is owned by Trinchero Family Estates, Napa Valley vintners since 1948. As a company, Trinchero Family Estates is committed to sustainable practices in its vineyards and wineries. To learn more about Trinity Oaks and Trinchero Family Estates wine, visit and

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Twitter: @TrinityOaksWine

About Trees for the Future

Trees for the Future is an international development nonprofit that meets a triple bottom line by planting trees: poverty alleviation, hunger eradication, and healing the environment. Through the organization’s Forest Garden Approach they train farmers to plant and manage Forest Gardens that sustainably feed families, raise incomes by 400 percent, and end deforestation. Trees for the Future receives donations to implement work in areas where the organization can have the greatest impact. Trees for the Future currently works across five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cameroon, Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda. Since 1989, Trees for the Future has planted over 150 million trees. For more information on their programs, please visit:

Facebook: @TreesfortheFuture

Instagram: @TreesfortheFuture

Twitter: @TreesFTF


