2018 State of Canada’s Aerospace Industry Report: Aerospace remains national innovation leader

OTTAWA, June 21, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) and the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) released their joint 2018 report on the state of Canada’s aerospace industry.

The report’s findings clearly show that aerospace remains one of Canada’s most important manufacturing sectors, creating high-quality jobs, technologies and global trading relationships that are essential to our nation’s future prosperity and growth.  The report’s key findings include:

  • In 2017, aerospace contributed nearly $25 billion in GDP and almost 190,000 jobs to the Canadian economy. While the five-year trend continues to show overall positive growth, the last two years have indicated a slight decline.
  • Aerospace’s share of STEM workers is 3 times the national manufacturing average. Women make up nearly a quarter of all STEM-related aerospace jobs in Canada.
  • Canadian aerospace is the national leader in innovation and R&D investment, spending $1.7 billion in 2017. The aerospace industry accounts for 24% of total manufacturing sector R&D investments (although it makes up only 5% of Canada’s total manufacturing GDP) and is 7 times more R&D intensive than the manufacturing sector average.
  • Canadian aerospace maintains its position as a global leader in several niche segments:
    • 1st in civil flight simulation
    • 3rd in civil aircraft simulation
    • 3rd in civil engine production
  • The global supply chain continues to increase in importance to Canada’s aerospace exports, growing nearly 50% in the past 15 years.

“This report is a prime example of a productive partnership between our government and industry,” said the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development. “I was pleased to see the strong growth in the number of women working in STEM positions in the sector. This is the type of inclusive growth we are committed to support.”

“We thank the government for their continued partnership in the creation of this year’s report,” said Jim Quick, AIAC’s president and CEO. “Today’s report reinforces the influential role Canadian aerospace firms play in strengthening Canada’s economy, workforce and innovation achievements. It also highlights the fact that free and open trade, strong economic policies, and a commitment to investing in mature innovative sectors are essential to the industry’s continued growth.”

“We also seeing some decline in the industry,” stated Quick. “More work needs to be done to ensure that Canada remains a place which attracts and retains investment in this sector, which is so essential to innovation and the future of our economy. We will continue to work with our members and the government to ensure that our long history of creating prosperity and opportunity for Canadians across the country continues for years to come.”

For more information, read the report here

AIAC is the national association representing Canada’s aerospace manufacturing and services sector.  As the world’s fifth-largest aerospace industry, Canada’s aerospace sector contributes nearly $25B to the economy in GDP, exports 75% of its output, and dedicates over 20% of its activity to research and development (R&D). Aerospace is responsible for the employment of 190,000 Canadians. 

