New Macurco TracXP Fixed and Wireless Gas Detection Transmitters Bring Advanced Detection and Portability to O&G, Fracking Production

New Gas Detection Solutions for Combustible and Toxic Gas Threat Detection Help Increase Plantwide Operational Revenue, Reduce Incidents

SIOUX FALLS, S.D., Aug. 02, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Macurco Gas Detection, a leading developer of gas detection solutions for oil and gas, industrial safety, HVAC, fire and security, building operations, and EMS response, today announced the introduction and availability of its new TracXP Fixed and Wireless line of combustible and toxic gas detection solutions.

Macurco developed the new TracXP Wireless and Fixed Gas Transmitter product suite specifically for hazardous-location gas detection applications. The TracXP products include a comprehensive line of wired and wireless gas detection solutions to address special hazard applications including harsh industrial environments and hazardous locations. TracXP by Macurco also provides cellular and satellite options for remote toxic gas monitoring solutions in real time.

Macurco TracXP-T40
The TracXP-T40 combines multiple sensor types including electrochemical, catalytic bead and infrared sensing technologies to create unsurpassed Class 1, Div. 1 or Div. 2 toxic and combustible area gas monitoring, which helps improve worker safety, asset protection and productivity.

The TracXP T40 can communicate with plant operations in real-time via 4-20mA, RS-485 Modbus and Ethernet. The transmitter is easily configured via its standard Ethernet port or through a local non-intrusive HMI magnetic interface. The new TracXP TXP-T40 universal transmitter can be deployed in single or dual sensor configurations – which allows redundant readings for critical operations, or for monitoring combinations or gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and combustible gases (LEL). The new TracXP-T40 universal design utilizes smart sensor technology, which makes it easy to change sensor types in the field. The unit's vivid status-indicating color display designates operational, alarm and maintenance status. The TXP-T40 also supports integral and remote sensor options which simplifies remote monitoring positioning of low and high sensor location due to differing gas relative densities.

New TracXP Wireless
The TracXP TXP-WTA Wireless Gas Transmitter provides real-time combustible and toxic gas information for worker and operational safety in Oil & Gas, Refining, Chemical Production, Water Treatment, Food & Beverage and numerous other industrial applications. The TXP-WTA provides an Intuitive non-intrusive magnetic interface – which makes set up and programming quick and easy. The TXP-WTA can be powered via a high capacity, disposable “D” size lithium battery or in permanent installations through an optional power supply board. The new TracXP-WTA can be deployed in single or dual smart sensor configurations to allow redundant readings, improved safety in critical operations and monitoring multiple gases.  The TXP-WTA wireless transmitter is available with universally acceptable 2.4GHz frequency or 900 MHz frequency

Macurco Gas Detection Recent Oil & Gas Market Growth
Macurco’s year-over-year steady revenue progress has led to the necessity to augment its team with senior, experienced gas detection industry leadership. The TracXP sales team is headed by Macurco’s new VP of Sales, Ron Unruh. Mr. Unruh. previously was Manager, Wireless Business Development of the Honeywell GPP Team, and was RAE Systems by Honeywell Sales Manager for the Americas Fixed Systems and MeshGuard products. The TracXP sales team also includes Brian Wingo, who previously was RAE Systems by Honeywell’s Western U.S. and Latin America Sales Manager, where he sourced and delivered new wireless gas detection solutions for North America industrial and energy exploration, refinement and transportation. Macurco also recently added Keith Lincoln as Director of Support Services. Mr. Lincoln was previously with RAE Systems by Honeywell as a Global Product Manager for fixed and MeshGuard gas monitors, and Manager of Technical Support. Prior to RAE Systems, Mr. Lincoln was Regional Manager for gas detection sales for Mallory Safety & Supply.

“The recent increased market demand for real-time detection and operational safety in oil and gas upstream and downstream processes led to our development of the new, advanced, fixed wireless TracXP gas detection systems that help reduce combustible and toxic gas exposure risk and incidents,” said Jeffrey Christiansen, Macurco Gas Detection President. “By deploying these new TracXP solutions, oil and gas operations can now improve their operational real-time safety, reduce risk and response times, and as a result, increase bottom-line revenue and productivity.”

About Macurco Gas Detection
Macurco Gas Detection is a division of Aerionics Inc. Macurco designs, develops and manufactures a full set of fixed and portable gas detection monitors for the protection of workers, responders and the community. Macurco has more than 45-years of proven gas detection experience in residential, commercial and industrial gas monitoring. Macurco gas detection systems are widely recognized by distributors and users for their high performance and consistent reliability.

Macurco’s products provide the most advanced gas detection and protection of workers and the community via three product solutions. These solutions include: the superior TracXP fixed and wireless gas transmitters for Oil and Gas and industrial applications; the innovative, industry-standard Macurco fixed gas detectors for security systems, building automation, HVAC systems, parking structures, cold storage, beverage and restaurant CO2 detection, and home/personal safety; and the groundbreaking AimSafety portable gas detection monitors for monitoring specific gases in potentially hazardous environments including fire and hazmat, oil and gas and industrial safety gas detection.

Macurco, AimSafety and TracXP gas monitors are used in more than 50-countries around the world by major organizations protect workers and the community and save lives and maintain safety. Macurco is based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Learn more at

Macurco Gas Detection TracXP T-40 Multi-Sensor Macurco Gas Detection TracXP WTA Wireless
