Notification on the transactions concluded by related parties in issuer’s securities

UPP Olaines OÜ received notifications of a related party United Partners Property OÜ transactions in securities issued by the Issuer. The following transactions occurred between November 27 – November 30:

Date Type Amount Value (EUR)
27.11.2018 Purchase 698 698 000.00
29.11.2018 Sale 300 300 000.00
30.11.2018 Sale 150 150 000.00


Notifications for all 3 transactions have been attached.

The Issuer also received a notification of a related party MT Finantsid OÜ transaction in securities issued by the Issuer. The following transaction occurred:

Date Type Amount Value (EUR)
30.11.2018 Purchase 150 150 000.00


Notification for the transaction has been attached.

More information on transactions:

Siim Sild





UPP_Sale+150_30112018.pdf UPP_Purchase+698_27112018.pdf MTF_Purchase+150_30112018.pdf UPP_Sale+300_291132018.pdf