BinckBank adds German solarisBank to Binck Savings-platform

Third savings bank offers deposits on European platform

Amsterdam, 11 December 2018 - BinckBank N.V. adds the German solarisBank to its recently launched Binck Savings-platform in the Netherlands.

With Binck Savings (Dutch: Binck Sparen) savers can save in a simple and clear way at a select group of European banks, via a one stop shop principle at BinckBank with  more attractive interest rate offerings up to 1,4% on an annual basis (for a 5 year-deposit). The platform was launched in February with an initial offering by Euram Bank (Austria) and J&T Banka (Czech Republic) with the announcement that more banks would be added.

The German solarisBank is the first financial to connect. Savers can open deposits and receive an interest up to 0.5% (12 months) and 0.7% (on an annual basis for a 2 year deposit) on solarisBank-deposits offered via Binck Savings(*). Based in Berlin solarisBank was founded in 2016 - with among others ABN Amro and BBVA participating - and offers digital financial services.

An answer to very low interest rates

Binck Savings helps savers searching for more attractive interest rates, as an alternative for the extremely low actual interest rates offered by Dutch incumbent banks where it has dropped to almost zero.

The banks offering deposits via the platform all are parties with a banking license and, like BinckBank, connected to the - European - Deposit Guarantee Scheme in their respective countries. In this scheme an amount of 100.000 euro per client and per participating bank for a single account is protected.

BinckBank helps realizing personal financial goals

Binck Savings fits well within BinckBanks broader services for Dutch retail consumers who are engaged in their financial future. In addition to services in the field of active self-investing (Trading) and online personalized discretionary portfolio management (Investing), savings is a third and essential pillar.

(*) More information in Dutch on Binck Savings can be found on


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