Distinguished Lecture Series on Future of Healthcare and Health Policy

AAHC Celebrates 50th Anniversary with Renowned Global Thought Leaders

Washington, DC, Feb. 07, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

The Association of Academic Health Centers (AAHC) is pleased to announce the 2019 launch of a distinguished lecture series to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. The lectures, by global thought leaders in state-of-the-science healthcare and leading-edge health policy, will be presented throughout 2019 highlighting the critical leadership role that academic health centers play in healthcare delivery, health professions education, and biomedical research.

In announcing the lecture series, AAHC President and CEO Dr. Steven L. Kanter noted, “Academic health centers have been at the very center of major scientific breakthroughs and advances in healthcare over the last 50 years. As we celebrate the golden anniversary of this association, it is essential to understand where we have come from and, more importantly, to use all that we have learned as academic health centers to play ever more significant roles on the global stage.”

The first lectures of the series will be presented in May 2019, at the AAHC Global Issues Forum, addressing the theme of Strategic Partnerships: Advancing Healthcare through Innovative Solutions, where the distinguished lecturers will be:

“I am thrilled to announce these two eminent presenters in this important series of lectures that will be delivered at key AAHC events, which convene leaders in academic health from around the world,” said Kanter. “It is wonderful to have them with us to celebrate the beginning of AAHC’s next 50 years.”

The Association of Academic Health Centers is a non-profit association dedicated to advancing health and well-being through the dynamic leadership of academic health centers.

