Royal Holiday Makes Big Improvement To Vacation Club Form

Mexico City, Mexico, March 19, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Royal Holiday has been offering a vacation club to people for quite a long time. Recently, they made some slight improvements to the website to make it easier than ever to sign up for the vacation club. This change was put together to help people make smarter, quicker decisions when joining.

Online, most people are going to be looking for quick and easy options to get things going. Just saving a little bit of time is going to encourage people to use the vacation club more than ever.

The changes might not seem like a huge deal at first, but it all starts from the homepage of the website. There is now an option in the top right corner provided for people who are interested. It is a short form that can be filled out once it is clicked on.

The form itself is pretty straightforward, asking each individual for their name, email, region, phone, preferred medium and preferred horary. Overall, Royal Holiday expects people to be able to fill out this form in less than 30 seconds.

After filling out the form, users can expect to hear back from the company within about two business days maximum. In many cases, the company will be able to contact individuals on the same day. It really just comes down to the time of day that a person sends the initial contact information.

Privacy is always a huge concern for the company, and they have put in new measures to protect private information as well. Users will noticed that all pages are now encrypted, meaning that there is virtually no chance of information being stolen. Since all the information provided by customers is considered sensitive, the company made sure to take things very seriously.

For years, the benefits of the vacation club from Royal Holiday has been enjoyed by thousands of people around the world. There are a number of benefits that a person can enjoy, and that includes benefits on destinations, cruises and other extras. When talking with a customer service representative, the company will go over each and every benefit of joining the vacation club.

Any person inquiring about the vacation club is not forced in any way to join. Royal Holiday has the form listed on the website simply because it is the easiest way for people to get in contact with the company without having to go searching for ways to reach out. All details can be covered during the initial contact with a customer service representative.

The changes to the website for the vacation club inquiry is part of a larger website improvement project Royal Holiday continues to go through. Whether people are inquiring about Royal Holiday Vacation Club Cancun, Royal Holiday Vacation Club Puerto Rico or any other options, the company hopes to improve the entire user experience over the next few months. A lot of the improvements are based largely on feedback received from past and current customers who have struggled a little bit with the navigation of the website in general.

